Please investigate suspicious 9/11 related deaths


Hunter S. Thompson - noted author, suicided just prior to his 9/11 article
Philip Marshall - just prior to the publishing of his book about 9/11
David Crowley - suicide just prior to finishing movie about police state

"Natural Death"

Barry Jennings - just before he was called to testify at the WTC 7 hearing
Michael Hastings


Dan Jowenko - controlled demolitions expert


Benazir Bhutto

From the list

Beverly Eckert
Kenneth Johanneman
Michael H. Doran
Christopher Landis
Bertha Champagne
Paul Smith
Deborah Palfrey
Major General David Wherley
Salvatore Princiotta
David Graham
Prasanna Kalahasthi
Wendy Burlingame
Katherine Smith
Daniel Pearl
Michael Zebuhr
Dan Wallace