there any scientific validity to the claims of 9/11 controlled
demolition conspiracists about the collapse of the World Trade Center
This Sunday marks the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the
World Trade Center Buildings. 9/11 conspiracists such as Richard Gage
(a member of the American Institute of Architects and founder of
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth)
continue to assert that WTC7 was brought down by controlled
demolition. In this week’s eSkeptic,
we present Chris Mohr’s thorough analysis of the controlled demolition
theory, based on his debate with Richard Gage earlier this year.
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9/11 and the Science
of Controlled Demolitions
by Chris Mohr
With the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks upon us, a group
of 9/11 conspiracists are working hard to publicize their claims of
scientific validity to the conjecture that the World Trade Center
buildings were destroyed through controlled demolition. The architect
Richard Gage is the founder of the nonprofit organization Architects &
Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which focuses on the controlled demolition
theory. So outraged was I by the Bush administration’s justification
for the war in Iraq based on faulty WMD intelligence information that
I initially thought that Gage might be on to something, until I
examined his science carefully and engaged him in
a spirited debate on March 6, 2011 in front of 250 people in
Boulder, Colorado. (Listen
to the debate audio.) The video of that debate is not being
released (his own website admitted that twice as many people changed
their minds in my direction as his during the debate), so I created 20
short videos on YouTube that present detailed rebuttals of each of
Gage’s claims.
What follows is a brief summary of Gage’s
points and my rebuttals to them.
United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the south
tower of the World Trace Center complex in New York City during the
September 11 attacks. A controlled demolition couldn’t have been
created at the same site where a plane impact and a raging jet fuel
fire would have obliterated the demolition rigging. (Click
any image in this article to enlarge it.)
IN THE WTC BUILDINGS. You cannot secretly prepare a
controlled demolition of the two World Trade Center buildings
containing 50,000 workers, plus extensive security systems and guards,
working round the clock, without anyone noticing anything unusual.
Instead, we should accept at face value what we all witnessed: two
massive jets that slammed into the buildings, damaging the structures
and setting off raging fires and igniting more than 40,000 square feet
of office space per floor in a matter of seconds, igniting furniture,
carpeting, desks, paper, etc. You cannot control the area around such
a raging fire to start a demolition.1
Plumes of smoke billow from the World Trade
Center towers in New York City after a Boeing 767 hits each tower
during the September 11 attacks. Was architect and 9/11 conspiracy
theorist Richard Gage kidding when he said the fires in the Towers
were almost out shortly before their collapses?
9/11 DUE TO FIRE. Though it is true that no tall steel frame
buildings ever collapsed due to fire
alone prior to 9/11, since then, other tall steel framed
buildings have. On May 13, 2008, a large part of the tall
concrete-reinforced steel architecture tower at the Delft University
of Technology in the Netherlands caught fire and thereafter had a very
fast, nearly straight-down collapse mostly into its own footprint.
Gravity increases the force of a falling object by a factor of 30 for
a single collapsing floor, and collapsing buildings have nowhere to go
but straight down. Other types of steel frame structures have
collapsed due to fire.2
TOWERS? The key is the “almost” modifier. If I told you I was
making almost $100,000 and you found out I was making only $67,000,
you’d say I was exaggerating. So stop exaggerating the collapse speed
of the WTC Towers! The 80,000 tons of structural steel slowed down the
collapses of the Twin Towers to about 2/3; (two-thirds) of free-fall.3
And the core collapsed at about 40% of free-fall speed, coming down
According to Richard Gage: “To bring a building symmetrically down,
what we have to do is remove the core columns.” But on 9/11 the
stronger core columns came down last,
which violates this supposed most fundamental rule of controlled
On 9/11, massive steel objects smashed into
neighboring buildings accompanied by winds at speeds up to 482mph.
Shown here a 600,000 pound beam from the World Trade Center hangs
from a nearby building.
HUNDREDS OF FEET THROUGH THE AIR? During the collapse, one
half million cubic feet of air per floor was pushed outwards at the
rate of twelve floors per second, creating a “hurricane wind” in the
building as reported by survivors, and blowing out windows, and with
them the smoke from the fires and other objects.5
tons of formerly melted iron blobs, not just microspheres. But in the
1970s, while workers welded thousands of steel beams together, hot
microspheres were splattered everywhere. Concrete has fly ash in it,
and I have a photo of iron-rich spheres in Tolk fly ash in my YouTube
video response. Even if the microspheres were created in the fires on
9/11, the R.J. Lee dust study said, “Considering the high temperatures
reached during the destruction of the WTC … Iron-rich spheres … would
be expected to be present in the Dust.”6
didn’t ignore it. Jonathan Barnett at FEMA
studied two pieces of sulfidized steel, which is not enough to
explain the collapse. NIST determined that neither piece came from a
supporting column in the collapse zone so it couldn’t have contributed
to the collapse.7
Sulfidized steel melts at temperatures 1000° lower than regular steel
so it could have “melted” in a regular office fire. And the
“intergranular melting” FEMA discovered is not like melting as we know
it anyway; it’s more like corrosion on an almost microscopic scale
occurring along the boundaries between the crystals or grains of a
metal. The technical description for what happened is “intergranular
melting, high temperature corrosion via sulphidation, oxidation, and
decarburisation leading to a liquid Iron Oxide Suflur mix from grain
boundary melting.” And while Jonathan Barnett would like to see more
research on this, he does not support the controlled demolition
Steven Jones and other 9/11 controlled demolition theorists claim to
have found nanothermite particles in dust samples from the World Trade
Center. They made sure the dust samples were untainted, and used
advanced instruments to measure what happened when these tiny red-grey
chips were heated up.
Thermites reach temperatures of around 4500° and have their own
oxygen supply when they burn, so they can burn underwater. Harritt,
Jones, et. al. therefore should have heated up the chips in a nitrogen
or argon atmosphere to eliminate the possibility that regular
hydrocarbons were burning. They also failed to take the carbon-based
products out of the mix, so what we may well be seeing is some kind of
carbon-based product burning in oxygen. They compared the sudden
energy spike of their burning chips with the spikes of known
nanothermites, and found that their chips ignited at around 150° C.
lower than the known nanothermites, and the energy release was off
between their chips and the nanothermites by a factor of at least two.
Yet they called this a match for nanothermite!
Attempts to independently replicate this experiment have been
dismal. Mark Basile, who appeared in the acknowledgments of the
original study, burned the chips in air, replicating the error of the
original experiment and not even measuring the energy released. A
chemist named Frédéric Henry-Couannier got another dust sample from
the original experimenters and wrote, “Eventually the presence of
nanothermite could not be confirmed.” The R.J. Lee Company did
a 2003 study on the dust and didn’t find thermitic material.
Major fires on most floors of World Trade Centre
Building 7 were much worse on the side facing the Twin Towers’
Richard Gage and other 9/11 controlled demolition conspiracists like
to show an NYPD photograph of small fires on the north face of
Building 7. That’s not the side where tons of flaming debris from the
towers smashed into the south face, creating huge gashes and fires on
multiple floors. In our debate Gage claimed that the videos I played
showed smoke but no fire. When the fires first started on the
southwest corner of Building 7, the dust was blocking the view. NIST
reported that many fires burned themselves out in 20-40 minutes and
then moved on. The fires left behind not only burned out areas, but
structurally weakened areas as the beams and columns expanded, sagged,
and contracted again. Then the fires started moving to the interior of
the building. Is he suggesting that all that smoke wasn’t evidence of
fire, or that burned out areas went back to full structural strength?
No plane hit WTC Building 7. Instead, it was
engulfed in hundreds of feet of flaming debris smashing into it.
STANDING RIGHT BEHIND HER? This one is irritating to a guy
like me who’s been in radio for over 30 years. Reporters make
mistakes! What possible value could there be in letting the BBC in on
the “conspiracy”? Here’s what probably happened: Deputy Chief Peter
Hayden of the New York Fire Department recalled: “We had our special
operations people set up surveying instruments to monitor, and see if
there was any movement of [WTC 7]. We were concerned of the
possibility of collapse of the building… One particular engineer
there, we asked him, if we allowed it to burn could we anticipate a
collapse, and if so, how soon?… And it turned out that he was pretty
much right on the money, that he said, ‘In its current state, you have
about five hours.’” Other errors in reporting show the chaos of the
day, not a well-oiled conspiratorial machine at work. To wit:
CNN Reported at 11:07 am that Building 7 had collapsed at 10:45, or
15 minutes after the second tower collapse at around 10:30. CNN got
their misinformation from the respected news agency Reuters, which
picked up an incorrect report. They have issued this statement: “On 11
September 2001 Reuters incorrectly reported that one of the buildings
at the New York World Trade Center, 7WTC, had collapsed before it
actually did. The report was picked up from a local news story and was
withdrawn as soon as it emerged that the building had not fallen.”
On 9/11, reporters also said that Camp David had been hit by a
plane. Forbes magazine reported
that “A car bomb exploded outside the State Department, according to
State Department sources.” CBS News reported that as many as eight
planes have been hijacked and only four have been accounted for.
It is not hard to imagine how such mistakes could be made,
especially when there is no time to sift through and analyze
fast-moving information. As NIST reported, “The large dust clouds
generated by the collapse of WTC 1 hid the lower portions of WTC 7
from view for over 20 min following the collapse.” So firefighters on
the ground saw only dust where Building 7 was until around 10:50 am
and may have thought it had come down.
Issue 12.4 of
Skeptic magazine presented Phil Molé’s assessment of the 9/11
Truth Movement. Though this issue is sold out, you can
read our cover story in eSkeptic,
our free, weekly email newsletter.
firefighters reported seeing structural deformations of Building 7
hours before its collapse, including the top FDNY fire
Chief Daniel Nigro, who stated, “I feared a collapse of Building 7
(as did many on my staff). The collapse of WTC 1 damaged portions of
the lower floors of 7. Building 7 was built on a small number of large
columns providing an open Atrium on the lower levels. Fires on many
floors of WTC 7 burned without sufficient water supply to attack them.
For these reasons I made the decision (without consulting the owner,
the mayor or anyone else—as ranking fire officer, that decision was my
responsibility) to clear a collapse zone surrounding the building and
to stop all activity within that zone. Approximately three hours after
… WTC 7 collapsed. Conspiracy theories abound and I believe firmly
that all of them are without merit.”
In a
World Trade Centre Task Force Interview, FDNY Lieutenant Rudolph
Weindler said: “So we left 7 World Trade Center… and Captain Varriale
told Chief Coloe and myself that 7 World Trade Center was badly
damaged on the south side and definitely in danger of collapse. Chief
Coloe said we were going to evacuate the collapse zone around 7 World
Trade Center, which we did.”
Deputy Chief Peter Hayden said: “We saw a bulge in the southwest
corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had put a transit on that, and
we were pretty sure she was going to collapse.”
Another Building 7 eyewitness was Michael Hess, Mayor Giuliani’s
chief lawyer. He and fellow city worker Barry Jennings got caught in
Building 7 and barely escaped with their lives. Michael Hess said that
he heard and felt the building shake like an earthquake for 5–10
seconds prior to the collapse of either tower. But in 2007, he too
changed his story, claiming
in a BBC interview that he got his timing wrong and that the
10-second-long earthquake sound was most likely caused by tower debris
hitting the building later in the morning. “There were no explosions.
That was caused by the north half of #1 falling onto the southern half
of our building.” He compared what he heard to a loud rumbling
earthquake, not the staccato blasts of explosions.
TOWERS? I read 50 randomly selected accounts out of some
118 or so accounts from firefighters of explosions from the
New York Times. None were of
explosions before the actual collapse. Those accounts Gage found
concentrated around the core and the basement where explosions from
the jet fuel traveling down the elevator shafts caused several
explosions and fireballs. Out of 5000 former and current FDNY 9/11
employees, only ten have come out and said they believe bombs were
placed in these buildings. Further, firefighters have personally told
me that explosions in office fires are not uncommon. Here is a list of
a few things that explode in an office fire:
- HVAC equipment including condensers and compressors
- Cleaning supplies
- CRT type TV’s and computer monitors.
- Large motors that have an oil reservoir for lube. (Elevator lift
- Hydraulic pistons found in office chairs.
- Tires in vehicles
- Steam explosions when water hits a hot fire or molten aluminum
- Propane tanks
If bombs were going off to create a precise controlled demolition,
then there would be a pattern. Eyewitness accounts of explosions were
random: fireballs, mere flashes of light, ground shaking with no other
apparent effect. This is consistent with the kinds of random effects
of fires spreading through buildings and down the elevator shaft.
Eyewitness Philip Morell talked of explosive sounds like bombs in a
9/11 Mysteries video clip, but I
went back to the complete original interview. The director cut out the
part where he then explained that he ran over to the noise and
discovered that the explosive sounds were actually from a crashing
freight elevator, which did indeed create a tremendous crashing thud
felt throughout the basement.
That is the silver bullet that proves controlled demolition!
NIST studied the collapse of one face of the 47-story Building 7 and
found that indeed, on that one face, it collapsed “at gravitational
acceleration” for eight stories over 2.25 seconds. The rest of that
collapse was at considerably less than free-fall. After the internal
supports collapsed, the perimeter walls were pulled inward. Every time
a column snapped like a stick, it shifted its load at the speed of
sound to other columns, and the collapse “gradually” accelerated over
about two seconds. In phase two, the building was indeed collapsing at
free-fall acceleration.
Free-fall collapse speed does not mean no resistance, it means no
net resistance. Those collapsing
beams still clinging to the walls functioned as levers. So there were
three forces at work on Building 7 during its collapse, and the sum of
these three forces varied with time: the constant downward force of
gravity, the variable upward force of residual structural resistance,
and variable leveraged downward forces due to connections to other
parts of the building. The leveraging forces may have briefly
accelerated parts of Building 7 at
greater than 1G, and in fact the NIST Report shows very slightly
faster than free-fall for a second or so, though that could just be
the margin of error.
“What about” vs. “If… then”
The 9/11 controlled demolition theorists
seem to like the “what about…” challenge. They know that even the most
intelligent layperson can’t answer all their questions, and even if
you can answer five “what about” questions in a row, then they’ll give
you a real zinger, like this one from Richard Gage: “What about the
EPA’s Erik Swartz who said they found 1,3-diphenylpropane at levels
‘that dwarfed all others. We’ve never observed it in any sampling
we’ve ever done.” Unless you’ve checked, you won’t know that Gage
edited out the next sentence of the
Times Union article where that first appeared, which continues,
“He also said it was most likely produced by the plastic of tens of
thousands of burning computers.” Gage thinks 1,3-diphenylpropane was
used for the sol-gel solution for safe storage of nanothermites.
The patent lists pharmacological uses such as treating
complications associated with metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance,
diabetes, dyslipidemias, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases,
obesity, hypertension, inflammatory diseases, neurodegenerative
pathologies, Alzheimers, or cancers but never mentions thermites or
even plastic computer parts.
Instead of the “What about” game these conspiracy theorists play, I
prefer the “if … then” approach:
If 4500 degree thermitics had been used to
pulverize almost every inch of every concrete floor, then
firefighters could not have walked on top of the debris pile that
was left behind after the collapse. This photo shows that large
parts of the buildings were left intact and not pulverized.
- If 4500 degree nanothermites
were used to pulverize almost every inch of every concrete floor,
then how could there have been
millions of sheets of paper with an ignition temperature of only
451° raining down on the sidewalks?
- If 4500 degree nanothermites
were used extensively even at the top to cause a supposed upward
explosion, then why were first
responders able to walk over the wreckage less than an hour after
the Tower collapses?
- If there were 2800 degree
rivers of molten steel in the debris,
then why do NASA thermal images show maximum temperatures in
the rubble of only 1400°?
- If the debris pile had 2800
degree temperatures, then why
were firefighters able to pour millions of gallons of water all over
it and not trigger the deadly thermal explosions that are caused
when water comes in contact with molten steel or iron?
- If nanothermites pulverized
everything, then why did the
debris pile include a 13-story high facade?
- If classic controlled
demolitions create minimal damage to adjacent structures,
then why did the Verizon
Building suffer $1.4 billion in damages?
- If the lateral ejection of
beams were caused by explosive nanothermites,
then there would have been
deafening 140 db sounds that can’t be muffled by more than a few db
or you lose the explosive force of the shock wave itself.
- If the South Tower tilted
22° at first, then controlled
demolition experts could not have righted it mid-collapse.
- If nanothermites were used,
then they would have
spontaneously detonated at well under 1000° F. and would not have
been controllable; no signal receiving device could have survived
the fires and continued to receive the destruct command.
- If there had been large
explosions prior to the collapse,
then they would have been a part of the seismic record, and
they were not.
You get the idea. My YouTube videos offer
235 reasons for natural collapse just like these, along with
abundant videos and photos. Investigate a little deeper and you’ll
find that the science just doesn’t support the views of the Architects
and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The truth is out there and we know what
it is.
About the Author
Chris Mohr is a lifelong science hobbyist,
the former publisher and editor of the classical radio publication
On The Air Magazine, and composer
of the opera From The Realm of the
Shadow on Naxos Records. He has hiked up 1000 mountains, bicycles
2000 miles per year, enjoys scuba diving and is a classical music and
opera fanatic. He has hosted a prison meditation program for 16 years.
- Shermer, M. 2005. “Fahrenheit
2777: 9/11 has generated the mother of all conspiracy theories.”
- Meacham, Brian.
Fire and Collapse, Faculty of Architecture Building, Delft
University of Technology: Data Collection and Preliminary Analyses.
- Eagar, Thomas W. and Christopher Musso. 2001. “Why
Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and
Speculation” JOM, 53 (12)
(2001), pp. 8–11.
- NIST NCSTAR1 Federal Building and Fire Safety
Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster. 2005.
Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers
- Zdeněk P. Bažant, Jia-Liang Le, Frank R. Greening
and David B. 2008. “What
Did and Did not Cause Collapse of WTC Twin Towers in New York.”
Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE,
Vol. 134
- RJ LeeGroup Inc.
2003. Damage Assessment 130 Liberty Street Property Report.
WTC Dust Signature Report: Composition and Morphology
Summary Report.
World Trade Center Disaster Study. 2002. National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST).
Skeptical perspectives on 9/11 conspiracy theories…
The 9/11 Truth Movement in Perspective
the 5th anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center, Phil
Molé takes a look at the “9/11 Truth Movement” and shares with us
his experience attending a weekend conference held in Chicago,
organized by
Read the article.
How Skeptics Confronted 9/11 Denialism
Blogger John Ray, a science major active in the 9/11 debate for
many years, celebrates the triumph of skepticism over 9/11
conspiracy theorists. His work, including his critiques of the
documentary Loose Change, has
been featured by skeptics on several sites including the JREF
Read the article.
Shermer on CNN’s Glenn Beck show
on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Back in October 2007, Bill Maher’s HBO series was disrupted by a
gaggle of obnoxiously loud 9/11 conspiracy theory “truthers” (as
they like to call themselves), resulting in Bill charging up the
aisle himself to throw them out of the studio. A few days later,
Michael Shermer appeared on CNN’s
Glenn Beck show to discuss and debunk the situation.
Watch the show on YouTube.
9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction
Produced in 2007, this series of six videos exhaustively examines
some of the most persistent of 9/11 conspiracy theories: that the
World Trade Center was brought down by a controlled demolition;
that a missile, not a commercial airliner, hit the Pentagon; and
that members of the U.S. government orchestrated the attacks in
hopes of creating a war in the Middle East. Each conspiracy
argument is countered by a variety of experts in the fields of
engineering, intelligence and the military. The program also
delves into the anatomy of such conspiracies and how they grow on
the Internet. Among those commenting are James Miegs,
Editor-in-Chief of Popular
Mechanics and Michael Shermer Founding Publisher of
Skeptic magazine.
Watch the series on
Fahrenheit 2777: 9/11—the mother of all conspiracy theories
mistaken belief that a handful of unexplained anomalies can
undermine a well-established theory lies at the heart of all
conspiratorial thinking (as well as creationism, Holocaust denial
and the various crank theories of physics). All the “evidence” for
a 9/11 conspiracy falls under the rubric of this fallacy. Such
notions are easily refuted by noting that scientific theories are
not built on single facts alone but on a convergence of evidence
assembled from multiple lines of inquiry… In this
Skeptic column from
Scientific American’s June
2005 issue, Michael Shermer explains why 9/11 has generated the
mother of all conspiracy theories.
Read the article from
Scientific American on
Paranoia Strikes Deep: Why people believe in conspiracies
mother of all conspiracy theories—that 9/11 was an inside job
orchestrated by the Bush administration—finds its members
following Michael Shermer around on a book tour back in 2008..
Read the article and watch several videos from the book
tour on
9/11 “Truthers” Harass Shermer on Book Tour
Conspiracies do happen, of course. Abraham Lincoln was the victim
of an assassination conspiracy, as was Austrian archduke Franz
Ferdinand, gunned down by the Serbian secret society called Black
Hand. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a Japanese conspiracy
(although some conspiracists think Franklin Roosevelt was in on
it). Watergate was a conspiracy (that Richard Nixon was in on).
How can we tell the difference between information and
disinformation?… In this Skeptic
column from Scientific American’s
September 2009 issue, Michael Shermer explains why people believe
in highly improbable conspiracies.
Read the article from
Scientific American on
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A true
skeptic should also be skeptical of the
Official Conspiracy Theory
of the Bush - Cheney Administration
It is ironic that those who follow
the Official Conspiracy Theory
try to hijack the title of "skeptic"
This is one of the other World Trade Center towers
Why did they not collapse all the way to the bottom
like WTC 1, 2, and 7?
Why would most of this building stand,
but WTC 7 behind it, completely collapsed?
This is not a good photo to support your point.
It raises more questions about the OCT.
Yes, there is plenty of scientific validity.
That is why over 1600 architects and engineers
signed the
That is why hundreds of scientists, professors,
military, and intelligence professionals are on
Those who believe the Official Conspiracy Theory
are also "9/11 conspiracists"
The question is, which conspiracy theory
has more evidence?
Answer to
9/11 and the Science
of Controlled Demolitions
by Rick Shaddock and Adam Taylor
Yes, they are working hard because a
crime was committed and proper investigation has not been done to find out
who really perpetrated it.
Yes, Bush's "justification" for war was outrageous.
OK. I agree that the video should be available,
and will ask AE911Truth if it can be released.
I don't think anyone is trying to hide anything.
Thanks for posting this photo,
which helps my side of the debate.
Note the intense fire ball in WTC 2
as compared to WTC 1 where the fire has
already burned out, only leaving black smoke
which indicates a low temperature fire.
It was not necessary for demolition rigging to be present on
the floors that were hit. There could have been plenty left on
the other 100+ floors. Besides, all controlled demolition rigging is
crash and vibration resistant to varying degrees.
1 ACE Elevator Company had free
24/7 access to the elevator shafts for over 8 months in the World Trade
Center towers in the largest "elevator modernization" project in history.
They also could access above the ceiling panels by night.
SecuriCom/StrateSec, the security company is suspect, having neo-cons on the
Board of Directors.
This photo helps proves the point
about the fire having mostly died out,
leaving only black smoke,
which is relatively cool.
This photo shows mostly smoke, which has little impact on
steel. No he was not kidding. You can see for yourself, very
little in the way of flames.
2 The Delft University building
did not collapse all the way down. Yes "a large part", but not all of
it, and certainly not "intoits own footprint". The following photo and
article says "The
fire caused a
of the building to collapse. "

Click here to read the full article on
3 Yes almost free fall speed. That is
sufficiently suspicious enough. NIST got their "40%" from starting the
stop watch early.The core had no reason to collapse at all.
4 If the squibs were due to air
pushing out the windows, why would they skip several floors?
Why didn't the "hurricane wind" blow Edna out of the tower?
5 The fires were not hot enough
to create iron microspheres, which would have to melt the steel, and
disperse them in to small droplets, which would form into spheres.
R.J. Lee is wrong in assuming the temperatures were so high. Edna
Cintron and others were standing in the place where the fires were
supposedly hottest.

6 NIST had a
pre-determined conclusion, and should have inspected the sulfidized steel,
regardless of their opinion on whether it would have contributed to the
Jonathan Barnett is right that we need more research, and as
a scientists withholds his opinion until it is done properly.
The WTC dust needs to be tested in a follow-up study at an
independent laboratory.
R.J. Lee did not test for thermitic material so it is no
surpise that they did not find it.
This photo of WTC 7 is not conclusive.
A lot of the cloud comes from WTC 1.
What we are seeing directly behind the fireman
is one of the smaller towers, probably WTC 6.
8 Yes, what about the Windsor
building in Madrid?

Even if some beams were structurally weakened, that does not
explain the total collapse of the building, with al the beams that had full
9 How can a reporter make such a
mistake. Before 9/11 it was unheard of that any building would totally
collapse due to fire. So why would they even suspect this?
WTC 7 was weakened by explosives in the morning, reported by
Barry Jennings (and initially by corporate counsel). This does not
negate the controlled demolition hypothesis, but adds to its validit.
Yes WTC 7 was weakened from the morning up until its total
collapse at 5:20 pm.
The Camp David report could have been "smoke screen".
This does not negate the Controlled Demolition hypothesis.
10 If WTC 7 had collapsed
naturally, it would have tipped to one side or the other, not come straight
FDNY Chief Daniel Nigro stated this after the building
collapsed. We have no proof he said this before it collapsed.
FDNY Lt. Rudolph Weindler said this after the fact.
Evacuating the area makes sense, even if the building is not expected to
collapse totally.
Michael Hess changed his story drastically from what he
initially stated along with Barry Jennings. Barry died
mysteriously days before the WTC 7 report came out. Michael Hess,
faced with opposing the powers that be, probably got the message.
11 There were many accounts of
the sounds of explosions, reported by office workers, fire fighters, and TV
Maybe a few explosions, but not like what happened on 9/11.
Cleaning supplies explode?
CRT computer monitors implode, not explode, and make a small
Vehicles on the 100th floor? They were only in the garage.
12 NIST admits that free fall
There is no way for steel and concrete to fall at free fall, unless the
support columns are instantaneously removed. The only way for that to
happen is explosives.
A free-fall collapse speed means no resistance,
except for very slight air resistance.
Where was the "variable upward force of residual structural
resistance" then? It was nil, because the structure was blown away by
an explosive force.
The "lever hypothesis" has no experimental real life
Both sides say "What about" and "If..then"
Official Conspiracists "What about OBL's confession?"
The Truth Aware say "If there was free fall, then the support
columns were immediately removed."
Yes, why would Erik Swartz say that they never observed it
in any other investigation. Odd no?
Erik offered a hypothesis about the burning plastic computers, but did he
consider the possibility it was controlled demolition? We cannot fault Erik
for not considering the unthinkable - that 9/11 was an inside job.
No one is playing games.
The Truth Aware also use logic, and the "if..then" approach.
The boots of the firefighters were ruined by the intense
heat, and often had to be changed. See this video.
No one is claming "every inch"
The first responders' boots were ruined by the heat
From orbit NASA cannot see under ground
Firefighters did report massive clouds of steam rising
from the rubble when water was poured on it.
Non one says "everything" as pulverized. Of course
there will be some debris left. The point is that there was much
less than one would expect from a natural collapse.
Sure they had some damage, but are still standing
There were certainly plenty of explosions heard, reported
by fire fighters, office victims, and TV reporters. Various forms of
thermite could be used to quietly weaken the beams
Why not? They could detonate the explosives on the
other side, to right the top floors, or blow them completely.
Not true. They could be insulated. NASA has
devices to withstand extreme heat in satellites near Mercury, that
function at remote control from millions of miles away, and they still
receive commands just fine.
Explosions were measured seismically, and suspiciously
before the plane impact.
Actually you have more than 235.
However, my experience is that the deeper I investigate, the more I find
that the science doesn't support the Official Conspiracy Theory.
Yes, the truth is out there, as well as within.
About the Authors
Rick Shaddock and Adam Taylor are volunteers for the
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
Commendations to Chris for teaching meditation to prisoners.
Rick also teaches and helps in this area. See
1.The mother of all conspiracy theory is the Official Bush
2. Delft building did not fully collapse. Not a comparison.
3. Yes, speculation. How about studies of the actual
4. NIST has been caught fudging the data.
5. Bazant's "pile driver" theory has been debunked.
6. They found iron microspheres as well.
7. NIST is a US Govt agency that has been caught fudging
How about a skeptical perspective of the official 9/11
conspiracy theory?
Phil Molé - a "mole" inside a 9/11 Truth Movement
conference, eh? Actually Truth is open to all open minded people.
He makes the false conclusion that people accuse "the whole US government".
No, a tiny but powerful faction.
He says it could not be Controlled Demolition because they are usually
bottom up, not top down, and makes other weak arguments.
Trying to hijack the term "9/11 Denialism"
- the denialists,
like Holocaust Deniers, deny that the anyone in the US government would kill
many people. The Truth Movement is trying to educate the "true
believers" who deny the evidence that it was an inside job. JREF
is hardly a site for true skepticism, and too often a place for ad hominems.
So what? Glenn Beck was fired.
I agree that people should not shout from the audience during shows for any
cause. They only made 9/11 Truth look bad.
12% believe that 9/11 was an inside job because there is evidence. Mike
Shermer says that videos "prove" that Controlled Demolition is ONLY bottom
up, not top down.
James Meigs says it "looks authoritative" because it is.
If Michael Shirmer is really a skeptic,
why is opposed to investigating controlled demolition?
I agree that the theories about a missile, drone, etc. are
not well thought out. Here is a list of better theories.
The "mother of all conspiracy theories"
is the Bush-Cheney
Official Conspiracy Theory - where 19 guys with box cutters defeated a
multi-billion dollar defense system that could not get a single fighter jet
to intercept 4 wayward aircraft, then buildings collapsed in a way that has
never occurred before or since.
All of Shermer's points are easily refuted.
Conspiracies do happen.
If there is evidence, it is right to believe they happen.
Who is "harassing" anyone?
The title is not backed up by a single example. |