9/11 Physics Debate for 2015
Pi Day
(3/14/15 = 3.1415...) and Einstein's Birth Day
3:00 Dr. Griscom's time / 5:00 Dr. Barrett's
Suggested Topics / General Outline
for subject material, I would like to have a chance to talk about shock
waves, which occur only when the applied shock is faster than the speed of
sound in the material struck.
In the case of the plane that struck WTC2 the shock of collision was way too
weak to generate shock waves in the aluminum air frame, and thus the wings
and tail did not fall off before they reached the building (contrary to
Fetzer's view).
But consider the case of the steel spire on WTC1 caught in several videos
going fuzzy, then undulating(!), and finally starting to brake up and
disappear as it began to fall. This is a classic case of what strong shock
waves can do. So what brought down the spire had to have been a high
explosive like TNT placed to destroy the column lower down. The initial
pressure shock waves go up and
down the column, constantly reflecting from the steel outer surface as
tensile waves which cause spallation of the steel surface at about twice
as fast as the intial pressure wave. That's surely what caused the fuzzy
Ironically, the perps, with at least 10 years in the development phase, may
well have discovered this phenomenon by trial and error. I learned by
reading the "bible" of impact geology, where a comet or asteroid strikes the
earth at ~10 to 50 km/second, crushing the earth in its footprint to a depth
of about one impactor diameter at which point the shock waves generated from
the contact at the crushed bottom reach upward to the top of the impactor,
whereupon the spallation created by returning tensile waves results in a
mother of all explosions.
Would Albert Einstein be a Truther?
(light, timely topics to start with)

Sir Isaac Newton be a Truther?
Newton's 3 Laws of Motion and how they specifically relate to 9/11.
1: Inertia: an object at rest tends to stay at rest,
an object in motion stays in motion,
unless acted on by an external force.
What force could propel 4 ton beams laterally 600 feet at 60 mph?
It would take an explosive force - with explosives.
2: Force = mass x acceleration
What can account for such a force, besides explosives?
3: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
As the top floors crush down, the floors below crush up.
So there was less and less mass to exert on the lower, stronger floors
* List of physicists who question 9/11
Why do 9/11 Falsers still assume and claim to have scientists behind them?
when we have all the scientists who are saying anything about 9/11
and comparing their credentials with the NeoCons
Bush Story of 9/11 Physics |
Scientists for 9/11 Truth Physics |
Story of the
World Trade Center collapse and death of 3000 people that "justifies"
preemptive wars of aggression, killing millions more. BS911 is still used to take away
our Constitutional liberties, and keep America in a perpetual state of fear
and war, for
military industrial complex profits. |
PhDs in Physics who demand a new, independent, scientific investigation of
9/11, justice for the victims, and prosecution of the real perpetrators. |
George Bush - Yale, BA History, Harvard MBA
Dick Cheney - flunked out of Yale, U Wyoming MA Poli Sci
Donald Rumsfeld - BA Political Science, Princeton
Larry Silverstein - BA, Art, NY Univ, real estate billionaire
Phillip Zelikow - Tufts U Law School, myth specialist
Paul Wolfowitz - U of Chicago, Political Science
General Ralph Ebberhart - USAF, Navy War College
and more NeoCons at www.911Suspects.com |
Dr. David
Griscom - PhD, Physics, Brown University
Scientist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, NASA, DARPA
Dr. John Wyndham - PhD, Physics, Cambridge University, CalTech
Dr. Crockett Grabbe - PhD, Physics, CalTech
Dr. Steven Jones - PhD, Physics, Vanderbilt University
Dr. Guthrie Miller - PhD Stanford, Princeton, SLAC, LosAlamosLab
Dr. Timothy Eastman - PhD, Physics, U. Alaska, NASA scientist
and more physicists at
www.ScientistsFor911Truth.org |

Carl Sagan's first wife
Dr. Lynn
was a Truther, and featured on AE911Truth's Experts Speak Out
Carls son Jeremy Sagan is Truthers
(Jeremy would be a good guest on Truth Jihad. He spoke on the
911FreeFall Show.
Would Carl Sagan be a Truther?
We contacted 28 universities and 2 physics societies
The idea was that these same physicists would be the judges of today's

individual email addresses available |
columbia.edu |
oxford.edu |
dpg-physik.de |
* Rick
advertised for the debate on Michael Shermer's Skeptic Society forum,
since James Randi and D.J. Grothe disowned the JREF
forum, we criticized in last year's debate
now running under the name International Skeptics Forum.
The ISF still bans
me and other Truthers. At least the Skeptic Forum allows
me to post
and even start a thread called "9/11 Falsers are
They had no offers for a candidate for the physics
debate. (see attached).
is a question that often pops up on the Skeptic Forum

is my response. A vanity journal has no peer review. But Bentham uses peer
When a scientist pays $600 to be reviewed by Bentham, he
has no knowledge of who the peers will be, much less any influence over
them. The payment is not a guarantee it will be published. The scientist
risks his money, and better be very sure his paper is good. Or he loses his
money with NO REFUNDS if it is not published. If anything, that is a good
filter. It is a new model for the internet age. The payment keeps the
sponsoring society going, and pays the peer reviewers,often busy professors,
and possibly a stipend for their time.
it is ok to ask, are the Bentham peer reviewers paid from the $600 fee?
It would be good to establish in this call, that Dr. Harrit, Dr. Jones et al.
did not know you were going to be one of the peer reviewers.
You came forward because you saw the paper being unfairly
How did you come to know about Bentham?
Do you know the other peer reviewer(s)?
I sincerely doubt that Bentham, or any journal, demands big money just
to pass your paper off to referees. I've had a few rejections by
referees who were either jealous or clueless ...and I'm pretty sure that
NRL didn't pay for those rejected papers (which I subsequently published
elsewhere). Referees are not
paid by anyone, so a
journal passing a manuscript to free referees is something a permanent
secretary could handle rapidly at a cost of a few bucks. And, no, no
referee is ever told who the other(s) were.
Yes, I went forward partly
to support their work, who I knew were being trashed. However, I outed
myself as a part of my 2010/09/11 blog post featuring both the Haritt et
al. paper, and the USGS flyovers, together with some original work of my
When I reviewed the
then-Jones et al. paper, Bentham's MO seemed to me to be no different
from, say, that of Physical Review. And it is not uncommon for authors
to suggest referees, which the editor will commonly accept if those
people are from a different laboratory. Whether they do so or not, they
never tell the authors who their reviewers were. (That said, I am a
perpetual signer of my referee remarks, and I never reject borderline
papers if the authors take advantage of the improvements that I commonly
It is lucky that Haritt et.
al. were able to publish in Bentham, because a lot of journals were
probably pressured to reject it
Oystein's Question about "Vector"
Here is a question that "Papa Oystein" of the Skeptic
Forum brought up,
criticizing your use of the word "vector" in last year's
debate when you said:
"gravity's vector is directed downwards." This would be good to resolve
Rick can be the "devil's advocate" or "empty chair" and ask
Dr. Griscom questions from the Skeptic forum
Out of the 1000+ words you spoke, Oystein goes on and on
about this.
... Making the font bigger will not make me
answer stupid questions. He stated well over 1000 words, and
you are trying to make a big thing about the word vector,
which has several definitions in Wikipedia, including for
mathematics and physics: "physical quantities that have both
magnitude and direction". ...
... you shamefully avoided answering the
question the previous five times: Is what Dr. Griscom said a
correct statement: " The energy , its vector,
is directed downward "? Please first admit that what he SAID
was FALSE. Thank you. You would then have to prove that he
meant something ...
by TruthMakesPeace
Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:13 am
Forum: Conspiracies
Topic: 9/11
Falsers are Dummies
Replies: 404
Views: 4035
... you shamefully avoided answering the
question the previous five times: Is what Dr. Griscom said a
correct statement: " The energy , its vector,
is directed downward "? Please first admit that what he SAID
was FALSE. Thank you. You would then have to prove that he
meant something .
by Papa_Oystein
Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:25 am
Forum: Conspiracies
Topic: 9/11
Falsers are Dummies
Replies: 404
Views: 4035
...re Griscom: whether he spoke inaccurately about
energy and its vector (and
whether that can be written off as a minor mistake by someone
talking spontaneously or whether it's like a Catholic Priest talking
about the Holy Quadrangle instead of the Holy ...
by Papa_Oystein
Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:40 pm
Forum: Conspiracies
Topic: 9/11
Falsers are Dummies
Replies: 404
Views: 4035
on www.MarkBasile.org project - taking
WTC dust to an independent lab.
It is coming along, although slow, and we should have a report
Bitcoin award
Rick will send .911 to Dr. Griscom via
The transaction number will be posted so anyone can check it out
in the public
block chain.