Forum | Description | Comments | Rating | | Skeptiko Forum - by Alex Tsakris | Good, high consciousness discussion on a variety of topics | A | | 9/11 Truth Forum by | No censorship. Freedom of speech reigns | A |
LooseChangeForums | Loose Change | Good forum, but bans no planers | A |
Community.US.Mensa.Org/forums | High IQ Society forum (US) | Requires membership in Mensa. Forum is very open with no undue censorship. | A | | High IQ Society forum (International) | Requires membership in Mensa. Forum is very open with no undue censorship. | A | | Yahoo 9/11 Truth Group | Good open discussion, with no banning | A | | Debate.Org | Good forum, encourages 2 people to go through up to 5 rounds | A | | One of the most popular 9/11 blog sites | Censors "My Blog"
entries, so your entry may not appear for days, if at all Does not allow discussion of no plane theories (a good idea) |
B | | Forum by Jeff Hill | Has interesting information and interviews Some unreasonable banning has been reported | C | | Wikipedia | Presently dominated by NEOCT supporters, favored by the Moderators | C | | Craig Ranke and Aldo Marquis | Has good information about North of Citgo approach. But if you don't support the Pentagon Fly Over theory, you will be banned | C | | Michael Shermer's Skeptic Society | Moderator Pyrrho is a 9/11 Falser, disgraces the Society, and bans 9/11 Truthers for no reason. Hopefully, Michael will talk to him. | D | CLOSED | James Randi Educational Foundation forum (JREF) |
Disowned by James Randi and D.J. Grothe and not
allowed to use the Randi name. Had to move to "International Skeptics
Forum" |
F | | International Skeptics Forum (ISF) |
Continuation of the disowned JREF (above) with the same nonsense, dominated by 9/11 Falsers, heavily favored by the Moderators |
F | | Began as answer to censorship of 911Blogger | Discontinued site | F |
Rating System
A = Always Allows Alternative Arguments
B = a Bit Biased - allows all But some views
C = Censors contributors
D = Dominated by Dogmatist(s), Doesn't allow fair debate
F = Fraudulent pseudo-skeptic forum or epic Fail
If you know of additional 9/11 related forums,
or disagree with the Rating assigned above,
please let us know at
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