Forums for Skepticism

Forum Description Comments Rating Skeptiko Forum - by Alex Tsakris Good, high consciousness discussion on a variety of topics A 9/11 Truth Forum by No censorship.  Freedom of speech reigns A
LooseChangeForums Loose Change Good forum, but bans no planers (good) A
Community.US.Mensa.Org/forums High IQ Society forum (US) Requires membership in Mensa.   Forum is very open with no undue censorship. A High IQ Society forum (International) Requires membership in Mensa.   Forum is very open with no undue censorship. A Yahoo 9/11 Truth Group Good open discussion, with no banning A One of the most popular 9/11 blog sites Censors "My Blog" entries, so your entry may not appear for days, if at all
Does not allow discussion of no plane theories (a good idea)
B Forum by Jeff Hill Has interesting information and interviews  Some unreasonable banning has been reported C Wikipedia Presently dominated by NEOCT supporters, favored by the Moderators C Craig Ranke and Aldo Marquis Has good information about North of Citgo approach. But if you don't support the Pentagon Fly Over theory, you will be banned C Michael Shermer's Skeptic Society Moderator Pyrrho is a 9/11 Falser, disgraces the Society, and bans 9/11 Truthers for no reason.  Hopefully Michael will talk to him. D James Randi Educational Foundation forum (JREF)

Disowned by James Randi and D.J. Grothe and not allowed to use the Randi name.  Had to move to "International Skeptics Forum"
Presently dominated by 9/11 Falsers, heavily favored by the Moderators

F Began as an answer to censorship of 911Blogger Discontinued site F

Rating System
A = Always Allows Alternative Arguments
B = a Bit Biased - allows all But some views
C = Censors contributors
D = Dominated by Dogmatist(s), Doesn't allow fair debate
F = Fraudulent pseudo-skeptic forum or epic Fail