Famous Skeptics

Those who know the truth are confident to speak publicly in debate

"Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view."
Dr. Carl Sagan in his Baloney Detection Kit     The Sage Sagans
Sagan's Debating Tips - Logical Fallacies to be aware of and avoid

We support open debate about 9/11
"The way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion,
but allow very lively debate within that spectrum."  Noam Chomsky

Fox News: Classified Docs can prove Saudi financing of 9/11

CNN: Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist
Seymour Hersh questions the Bin Laden raid


C-SPAN: House Resolution to release 28 page chapter about Saudi financing
www.c-span.org/video/?324260-1/us-house-morning-hour  6:00 minutes


Congressional Representative Thomas Massey (R-Ky)

House Resolution to release the 28 page chapter George Bush classified about who funded the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

Sen. Bob Graham in New York Times interview: FBI Covering Up


Fox News: Geraldo Rivera
9/11 Group asks NY City Council to Investigate WTC Building 7 Collapse

with  Tony Szamboti  (Mechanical Engineering, Villanova)

MSNBC Chris Matthews:  Bush lied to get US into wars


 MSNBC Rachael Maddow:  Bush lied to get US into wars


Russia Today:  White House behind terrorism of 9/11

Dan Bushell - Truth Seeker on RT
Did you know a 3rd tower fell on 9/11?

Press TV:   Dr. Kevin Barrett interviewed about Bush and 9/11


CBC: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
The Fifth Estate    (the press)

"9/11: the Unofficial Story
YouTube backup

Fox News reports Bin Laden already dead in December 2001


Washington Post: When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing
The Washington Post
By William M. Arkin    Feb 1, 1999
Article about real time voice morphing technology
developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (NM)
which can explain how cell phone calls, which are impossible
from plane cruising altitudes and speeds, could be faked .

New York Times: Paul Krugman: Errors and Lies
Paul Krugman (MIT, Yale, Nobel Prize in Economics)
writes in the New York Times the 9/11 wars were based on lies.
  Massachusetts Institute of Technology