The Hijackers
From 911myths
At some point I'll summarise the background to the hijackers here. Right now this is really just a starting point to read more about the individual or theory of your choice, though. Keep reading to find out more.
- Some suspects were trained by the US military?
- Several suspects were identified by the Able Danger project in 2000?
- Israeli "art students" spied on the hijackers before the attacks?
- Mohamed Atta received $100,000 on orders of the chief of Pakistan's ISI?
- The hijackers used drugs, drank alcohol, went to strip clubs?
- There were no hijackers on the 9/11 passenger manifests?
- Amer Kamfar was originally on the manifest, but had to be dropped when it was found that he was still alive?
- Could these flight school dropouts really have flown the 9/11 planes?
- The passport recovered from the WTC must have been planted?
- The hijackers couldn't have been identified so quickly?
- Some of those named as hijackers are still alive?
- The FBI chief Robert Mueller said there's doubt over the hijackers identities?
- The hijackers remains can't have been identified by DNA?
Since 9/11, al-Qaeda have released footage of several of the hijackers. These include a number of video wills, where they talk about jihad and attacking America. Reportedly all but one of the hijackers made a will, so we'd anticipate that others will appear in future 9/11 anniversary releases.
- FBI summary on the hijackers finances
- A spreadsheet of expenditure on the hijacker's band accounts
- "CitiGroup PowerPoint on Hijackers" contains a useful presentation on hijackers finances, showing the amount spent in several accounts and overall
- "Account Summaries" contains brief details of the hijacker's bank accounts
- A single page table listing the hijackers, their country and date of birth, and where and when they got their US visas
- A timeline of hijacker travel to the US
- A chronology of hijacker events in South Florida
- Timeline of hijacker activities for the days running up to the attacks
- Various FBI interviews relating to the hijackers (possible sightings and so on)
- FBI interviews with or about airport checkpoint screeners, their procedures, and possible contact with the hijackers. There's also information on further airport videos showing the hijackers
- Purchases of knives by the hijackers, and details of knives found at the Flight 93 crash scene
- A Flight Standards Service briefing on the training of the hijacker pilots, including some innocent pilots with similar names who were victims of mistaken identity
- Extensive details on hijacker IDs and includes documents recovered from the crash sites
- This 9/11 Commission folder contains detailed information on the hijackers, like passenger name records and FBI reports, as well as lists of items recovered from everything from hotels to the crash scenes
- FBI summary of the PENTTBOM case
- September 17 list of plot suspects
- A Finnish list of FBI terrorist suspects circa October 2001
- Brief summaries for all suspects on a single page
- Discussion of data mining, including details of how the hijackers were linked
- Jeff Jonas presents a quick guide to how the hijackers were linked
- The Zacarias Moussaoui indictment is interesting as a quick summary of the case against the hijackers
- Newsweek article discussing the background to how the hijackers remains were identified through DNA
- Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory paper, including a brief discussion on what can be learned from the Flight 77 and Flight 93 hijackers DNA samples (see pages 82-84)
- FAA report on check of hijackers medical certification, Jan 22nd 2004
- A summary of the 9/11 Commission investigation into the hijackers activities in Las Vegas
- Various FBI interviews relating to the hijackers (possible sightings and so on)
Links and Related
Where can I find law enforcement, 9/11 Commission and mainstream media information about the hijackers?
- The first FBI list of suspects (without photos) appeared on September 14th
- The second list, with photographs, was released on September 27th
- The Zacarias Moussaoui trial exhibits provided significant new information on the 9/11 attacks
- This New York Times page is an index to many stories on Atta, the other hijackers and 9/11 in general
- The Global Security page makes it easy to view the movements, activities and associations of each of the hijackers. Primarily based on the 9/11 Commission Report