Proposal for
Independent Study of the WTC Dust

Using an independent lab that has no idea
that the dust is from the WTC or from 9/11
using non-destructive Raman Spectral Analysis

The $5000 in funds have been raised.
We are waiting for the transfer from the first project manager (M.B.)

Proposal for Labs to Study the Building Fire Dust
(revised to remove any mention of WTC or 911)

Proposal for Labs to Study the WTC Dust
(Mark's original proposal for EMSL Analytical Inc.)

Expenses for testing, based on quote from EMSL
(EMSL has already done a study in 2007 on the WTC
and 9/11 so we cannot use them in this  study)

Fund Raiser Information

Goal Achieved!:  $5000
Means gather around sattva (truth - Sanskrit)

 Please Help Donate

A "blind" study is when the technicians performing the test
have no idea what the purpose of the test is
or where the testing samples came from,
so that they will not unconsciously influence results



Paint chip blue.mp4

Paint chip red.mp4

History of Raman Spectroscopy

Most Recent Status Report

Report on Independent Lab Study of the WTC dust

WTC Chip Ignitions

Purpose: to see if the following study can be replicated.
Repeatable experiments is fundamental to the scientific method.

9/11 Experiments








9/11 Free Fall
Mark Basile was interviewed on the 911 Free Fall Show
by Bernie Suarez and Andrew Steele

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Mark Basile Red/Gray Chip Study Back on Track

By Ziggi Zugam

It has been almost a full year since we posted our last update, and some of our readers were starting to express concern about the lack of new updates. 

We are happy to report that Mark Basile´s red/gray chip study is finally back on track, after prolonged delays due to various problems that will not be detailed here. I am sure, however, that most of our supporters knew and realized from the beginning that encountering some "friction" was not unexpected. 

Mark Basile will (in addition to his own testing) delegate work to an independent lab (or several labs) sometime this fall, in order to confirm his own results - as promised in our fundraising campaign.

We hope to give you another update in early October.

Thank you all for your donations and patience!



9/11: Explosive Testimony - Mark Basile, Chemical Engineer

Mark's interview on the 9/11 Freefall Show

Mark Basile: Dust Analysis Raises Questions

Interview With Mark Basile - Chemical Engineer -


JREF:   Chemical Engineer Mark Basile confirms Harrit nano-thermite results