Congressmen Walter Jones (R-NC), Steven Lynch (D-MA), and Thomas
Massie (R-KY) petition for the release of the 28 page chapter that
Bush classified, about who financed 9/11 - which lead to 14 years
of lies, loss of Constitutional liberties, and wars. 28 pages of
the Joint Congressional Inquiry. As it turns
out, the 9/11 operation was financed with the assistance of our
allies with close ties to the Bush administration.
Your House and Senate Representatives
Redacted 28 Pages: Anthony Shaffer claims documents reveal how money was moved
to fund 9/11
Ex-Army Operative tells Jesse Ventura: U.S. Govt. knew of 9/11 hijackers and
could have prevented the terrorist attacks.
28 Pages
Members of the 28 Pages Task Force and others will hold a banner and signs across the street from the Longworth House Office Building on Wednesday, April 27 at 5 PM. Banner will say: “Open the 28 Pages” with smaller letters under it: “HR14.org”. Posters will say: “Royal Threats Show Saudi Guilt”, “Call Saudis’ Bluff!”, “Saudis Threaten to Shoot Their Foot”, “Saudi/US Money Tied, thus Empty Threat”, “Tail Wags Dog?”, “Diplomatic Immunity for Terrorists is not National Security”, “9/11 Families say ‘Open 28 Pages’” and “Support HR-14 and S-1471.” We will be at the corner of Independence and New Jersey Aves, SE. Endorsed by Code Pink and Popular Resistance. Info: Richard Ochs 443-846-6638 textable.
through Saudia Arabia
George Bush's close friends
found by investigative reporters
New York Times Carl Hulse
Fox News Shepard Smith
NY Post Paul Sperry
28Pages.org - release
the 28 pages Bush classified about Saudis
Contact your House or Senate representative
Senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, autographed a copy of Senate Bill 1471 to release the 28 Pages that GW Bush covered up about Saudi funding of 9/11, and indicated that he would sign the real one. Senator Grassley gave a speech to the Iowa State Republican Convention, in support of Donald Trump, who helped made the 28 Pages main stream news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcWkkT__U1c
Donald Trump hears about the 28 Pages then makes them main stream news.
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