9/11 Physics Debate
March 15, 2014


.911 Bitcoin (about $400) Honorarium Offered
to a Charity of the Winner's Choice

A Ph.D. in Physics from an accredited university
Hirsch Index of at least 50, or 50 published papers
(a measurement of a scientist's references in scientific community)

Hear and read about the debate broadcasts on Veterans Today


 Dr. David Griscom PhD (Physics, Brown University) wins the Debate
 No physicists show up to support the official government story of 9/11
 not even for the $400 prize
Dr. Griscom donated his prize to the New Independent Dust Study
to add to the 20 studies published in peer reviewed independent scientific journals
www.911CA.org and www.JournalOf911Studies.org

We tried the physics department of top universities plus the James Randi debate forum

The deadline for the 9/11 Physics Debate has been extended from March 1 to noon (Eastern Time) on March 15, 2014. Applicants must have a PhD in Physics from an accredited university, and Hirsch Index > 50, an objective indicator of a scientist's standing in the academic research community. The debate will be via Skype and 2 hours, with each side having equal time to speak. The winner, determined by audience vote, will receive a $1000 honorarium towards the charity of his or her choice.

NEOCT - "Trusters" or "Falsers"
Nine Eleven Official Conspiracy Theory
and 9/11 Commission Report

New Investigation - "Truthers"
We need a new investigation of 9/11
questioning the NIST and Bush report

Dr. Who?
PhD in Physics from  _______________ University
Hirsch Index ___



Dr. David Griscom
PhD in Physics from Brown University
Hirsch Index 64
David Griscom


Please forward suggestion of
any physicist with the above qualifications
speaking out for the NEOCT by
March 1, 2014.

Deadline extended to
March 15, 2014
12:00 noon (EST)

Please submit candidates to


Research physicist, retired in 2001 from Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, DC, after 33 years service.

Fellow of the American Physical Society. Fulbright-García Robles Fellow at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City (1997). Visiting professorships of research at the Universities of Paris and Saint-Etienne, France, and Tokyo Institute of Technology (2000 - 2003).  Adjunct Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Arizona (2004 - 2005).

Winner of the 1993 N. F. Mott Award sponsored by the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, the 1995 Otto Schott Award offered by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung (Germany), a 1996 Outstanding Graduate School Alumnus Award at Brown University, and the 1997 Sigma Xi Pure Science Award at NRL. Principal author of 109 of his 185 published works, a body of work which is highly cited by his peers. Officially credited with largest number of papers (5) by any author on list of 100 most cited articles authored at NRL between 1973 and 1988.

Dr. Griscom was selected by NASA as a Principal Investigator, to determine the chemical content of Moon rock, a very competitive position.  He has published 194 papers in peer reviewed independent scientific journals.

Debate to be hosted by Kevin Barrett on his talk show
password: debate


Each side will have an equal opportunity to speak
Winner to be determined by audience vote

Notice from weeks before the debate, asking for anyone from the official story's side.

There are two weeks to go until the scheduled debate on Kevin Barrett's show on March 15, 2014 at noon Eastern Standard Time.

Please send the top 3 candidates you have with a PhD in Physics and Hirsch Index > 50 so we can send the invitations in time.

From what you say, there are many PhDs in Physics on the side of the official government story - in fact every one in the world who is not
affiliated with 9/11 Truth. So that would be thousands. Feel free to call on our friends at JREF to submit qualified nominees.

So please just pick 3 for now so we can find out who is available.  PhDs in Physics are busy. There is much to be done, such as making sure the PhD is set up with Skype,
and agreeing on a specific time for the calls.

The proposed debate question is:

1) The laws of physics were broken by the official story and independent official investigators should investigate.
2) The laws were not broken, and everything was explainable. The 9/11 Commission Report is fine as is.

The debate will be 2 hours with three 10 minute breaks every half hour for a total time of 1.5 hours.

Kevin is very experienced in holding such events, and conferencing people together.
The debate will be recorded so that everyone can benefit from the knowledge
and interesting discussion that will surely be heard.

It should be an interesting debate. May both sides learn a lot from each other.

9/11 Debate - Physics

Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness is sponsoring a 9/11 Physics Debate between two physicists with a PhD from an accredited
university, and a Hirsch Index of at least 50.

The H Index is an objective measurement of a scientist's number of publications and positive references to them, in Peer Reviewed Independent Scientific Journals (PRISJ).   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-index

One physicist will argue in support of the Nine Eleven Official Conspiracy Theory (NEOCT), and the other in support of a new investigation of nine eleven (NINE).

ANETA has accepted a nomination of Dr. David Griscom who has a PhD from Brown University (Ivy League) and a Hirsch Index of 52 for his 194 publications in PRISJs.  www.DavidGriscom.com

The debate will be 1 hour, by phone, hosted by Dr. Kevin Barrett on his Truth Jihad Radio show in early March.  The debate will naturally be respectful, and both sides will have equal chance to speak.  The winner will be determined by audience vote and will receive $1000 towards the non-profit charity of his or her choice.  www.TruthJihadRadio.blogspot.com

Nominations from the NEOCT side are still being accepted until March 1 for a PhD in Physics with H > 50 to aneta911@protonmail.com

Originally scheduled for March , 2014

2 week extension was given , until March 15

Letter to 30 Physics Departments of Universities and Physics Societies

albany.edu arizona.edu asu.edu berkeley.edu brown.edu buffalo.edu caltech.edu carnegiemellon.edu colgate.edu columbia.edu cornell.edu dartmouth.edu harvard.edu hmc.edu hobart.edu iastate.edu mum.edu umd.edu mit.edu oxford.edu upenn.edu princeton.edu rit.edu stanford.edu ttu.edu villanova.edu wpi.edu yale.edu aps.org dpg-physik.de

To: Physics Department

We are organizing a debate between two top PhDs in Physics on March 1, 2014 called the "9/11 Physics Olympics".  The topic will be:

We are asking if any PhD in Physics, with at least 50 publications in peer reviewed independent scientific journals would like to debate.  It will be one hour long, can be done via Skype from the comfort of your home or office, and will be broadcast on Kevin Barrett's internet based radio show.

Dr. David Griscom (PhD, Physics, Brown University) has a Hirsch Index of 52, worked for 33 years at the Naval Research Laboratory, and was selected by NASA as a Principal Investigator of the Moon rocks.  He is questioning the Nine Eleven Official Conspiracy Theory (NEOCT) offered by the Bush-Cheney Administration because it fails to provide an explanation for:

* The lateral thrust of tons of steel beams at 60 mph for over 600 feet
* Free fall collapse of World Trade Center building 7 at 5:21 pm
* Molten metal which lasted at "ground zero" for months, impossible from jet fuel
* Nano sized thermitic particles found under microscope in the concrete dust from the WTC 

Dr. Griscom says the NEOCT violates Newton's Laws of Physics, and we need a new, scientific investigation.  For the Challenger disaster, NASA's investigation commission included Nobel Prize winning physicist Dr. Richard Feynman.  For 9/11, the commission had politicians appointed by President Bush.

It would be a patriotic duty to stand up for the U.S. Government story about 9/11 and answer the questions that 60% of Americans (according to a YouGov.com poll) have about the story from the Bush-Cheney Administration.   It could also help bring your university into the discourse of collective consciousness.  Please let us know if you, or any PhD in Physics would like to participate.

Feel free to contact me by email.   For more information, please see www.911Debate.org   

Thank you,

Rick Shaddock
Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness
1629 K Street NW, Suite 319
Washington, DC  20006
202-449-9500 fax


Ali Mohammad - a Physics student on 9/11