The basic pattern:
1. Take a key aspect of the crime that many people witnessed.
2. Make fake photos of that key aspect (the diversion)
3. "Leak" them into the community of investigators ("Wild Good Droppings")
4. Some will take the bait and be a divisive force.
5. This discredits the whole group of investigators
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers." - Thomas Pynchon, Jr.
"No planers are no brainers who cling to faked photos like flies to fly paper." - Brian Wolberg
Achimspok's Channel
Various Views of United 175 hitting WTC 2
Example: Fake plane photos from 9/11
Even through there were planes, witnessed by hundreds of people,
from multiple angles, which match when combined and analyzed,
the perpetrators created and release faked photos of plane anyway.
Photos of the aluminum plane bouncing off the steel towers were
evidently collected and destroyed. We never get to see those photos.
Faked photos cause some investigators to claim there were "no planes"
making them, and all investigators, look foolish in the eyes of the public.
These fake photos were released to confuse the public.
Where are the real photos of the planes?
Faked CGI photos were "leaked" to provide a wild good for no-planer/no-brainers
to chase
in a "divide and conquer" strategy by the real 9/11 perpetrators to keep their
mind off RCTO.
Real photos of the plane crashing outside the WTC wall and
falling to the ground would have been destroyed.
Release the classified REAL plane photos!
Wild Goose Droppings = pieces of crap and disinformation that are dropped here and there to lead people on a Wild Goose Chase.
Example1: Someone "leaked" that Flight 93 was seen in Cleveland. But this has not checked out officially. Yet it is enough to get people to think that the hijacked planes still kept flying after the WTC attacks. It is very easy to do. No one even has to be an official. Just pick a city, then start posting on the web that someone said that someone saw a 9/11 plane on the runway at some airport. Then hope the rumor gets legs. But if people check with Cleveland Flight Control, the story does not check out. Sure they may be "in on it". But everyone can't be.
Example2: Richard Hall cites "official" Army radar data showing a 2nd plane (that no one saw) which he presumes was invisible and projected a hologram. Why is he believing the Army if the military industrial complex was "in on" 9/11?
It is much easier to simply take over the original planes by remote control than fly them into the buildings.
Unfortunately, Divisive Discrediting Diversion has worked too well with the 9/11 Truth Movement. Even critical thinking scholars such as Dr. James Fetzer have taken the bait. He correctly finds that there was photographic and video fakery regarding the planes on 9/11. But many jump to the erroneous unwarranted conclusion that there were not planes at all. This caused a big division in the 9/11 Truth Movement, to the point where Dr. Fetzer and Dr. Stephen Jones split up the Scholars For 911 Truth into two different groups. No Planers are not invited to speak at Richard Gage's AE911Truth conference.
Pentagon |
The "nose out" could have been a large model propelled outwards by the
pre-planted explosives.
It was for added effect, similar to the 5 light poles tipped over at the
Ace Elevator Company had 7 years (1994 - 2001/9/11) to plant explosives and
The hole was not big enough for a whole cylindrical model,
so a flat sheet of steel may have been used, which looks like a plane from the
The presence of fake photos of planes does not mean there were no planes.
There is still the option of having planes.
CGI and planes are not logically mutually exclusive possibilities
Here are the 4 options, only 1 of which is impossible.
(There can't be real photos of fake planes or no planes.)
1. Planes Actual - Photos Actual (official story)
2. Planes Actual - Photos Other (to divide the Truthers)
3. Planes Other - Photos Actual (impossible)
4. Planes Other - Photos Other (theory many Truthers have)
"Planes Actual" here means the actual Boeing Flight 11 or Flight 175, including
Remote Control Take Over.
"Planes Other" means the planes were something other than Flight 11 or Flight 175,
including CGI, drones, hologram, or nothing at all.
"Photos Actual" means un-retouched photos
"Photos Other" means some kind of photo manipulation was done
Planes Actual | Planes Other | |
Photos Actual | official conspiracy theory: all planes and photos actual |
actual, untouched photos of non-actual planes |
Photos Other |
planes were real, but leaked |
"plane photos are fake so planes must be fake" |
Sadly, Dr. Morgan Reynolds also fell for the Divisive
and Fox News made himself look foolish to the public,
although he was absolutely correct that the photos were fake.
He should have said "we see obviously faked photos,
designed to make us say there were no planes. Why?"
The proper, logical conclusion to the presence of fake plane
is that there is manipulation and a cover up going on about 9/11.
But it is an unwarranted conclusion that there were no planes.
The could be fake photos AND real planes
The existence of faked CGI photos
and the existence of planes hitting the WTC towers
are independent premises.
There is no logical, causal connection between the two.
JFK | Sandy Hook | |
1. Take a key aspect of the crime that many people witnessed. | Billy Lovelady in the door of the Texas School Book Depository | Broken window at the school |
2. Make fake photos of that key aspect (the diversion) | Make photo look like Lee Harvey Oswald's head was cut and pasted | Photo shop it so the breakage is not seen |
3. "Leak" them into the community of investigators. | New Altgens photo | Give it to Sandy Hook skeptics |
4. Some will take the bait and be a divisive force. | Many say it was LHO in the door way | They will say the window was not broken |
5. This discredits the whole group of investigators | Debates go on for decades | Discredits their good research |
There are 4 possibilities. Only 1 is impossible. |
1. | Planes Actual - Photos Actual | the official story |
2. | Planes Actual - Photos Other | to divide 9/11 Truthers |
3. | Planes Other - Photos Actual | cannot photograph nothing |
4. | Planes Other - Photos Other | theory some Truthers have |
Two giants in the 9/11 Truth Movement, Richard Gage and Dr. James Fetzer
are not currently collaborating.
This hypothesis may help them collaborate for a new investigation.
Planes Actual | Planes Other | |
Photos Actual | official conspiracy theory: all planes and photos real |
impossible real photos of fake planes |
Photos Other |
planes were real, but leaked |
plane photos are fake so planes must be fake |
10 Possibilities |
Planes Real | Planes Modified | Planes Drone | Plane Hologram | Planes None |
Photos Real untouched |
1. Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) | 2. Remote Control Take Over. Boeing ATALS | 3. Photos show pod beneath |
4. real photos of holograms | 5. impossible
to photo no plane |
Photos Faked photo shop |
6. divide the 9/11 Truth movement |
7. divide the 9/11 Truth movement (same) | 8. to make drone look more real |
9. make hologram look more realistic | 10. to make a plane appear |
We cannot logically conclude "there were no planes" |
![]() ![]() |
Even with a fake looking photo, we cannot conclude "there is
no Dr. Fetzer".
The unwarranted assumption is "the best possible photos are always released to
the public."
10 Possibilities If... |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Fetzer Real | Fetzer Modified | Fetzer Drone | Fetzer Hologram | Fetzer None | |
Photos Real untouched |
1. reality | 2. taken over by MK Ultra mind control | 3. another man in disguise | 4. virtual image | 5. impossible |
Photos Faked reason |
6. to divide and confuse public |
7. to divide and confuse public (same) | 8. to make drone look more real |
9. make hologram look more realistic | 10. to make Dr. Fetzer appear |
Computer Graphic Images
CGI = Cheney's Graphic Inserts (to keep Truthers squabbling for years)
CGI = Constant Gullibility Insurance - keep the Truth Movement divided
Chase Gooses Indefinitely - keep the Truth Movement on a "wild goose chase"
Trained investigators know what an airplane part looks like.
How could this be faked in broad daylight with hundreds of people around?
FEMA Building Performance Report
Plane parts in the 9/11 Memorial Museum
No Planes |
Planes |
Dr. Fetzer cites on FAA flight data, showing Flight 93 was still in the air after 9/11. He relies on US Government data. | This data, "leaked" by the guilty party, is Wild Goose Chase droppings to cause confusion |
Fake plane, real video Fake plane, fake video Real plane, fake video |
No one has ever produced a video or photo of the WTC 2 spontaneously exploding with no plane? |
No way to control for all the New Yorkers who may have photographed it. | |
Plane did not slow down when going through WTC | |
Agrees that aluminum planes would crumble externally on a steel wall | That's why the faked photos were released! |
Alleges a 2nd plane projected a hologram | No one saw the "projecting" plane |
![]() |
There is nothing in the science of holographic images that allows anything like the project of images of jet airlines flying to fool over a hundred eye witnesses and all those who have viewed over sixty videos of the large plane that crashed into the south side of South tower. |
The hologram technology and hologram science allow nothing like faking Flight 175 approaching South Tower. The technology is not there and the existing science gives no hope of its ever being there. | |
The feat would be as impossible for lazer optics as it is for the science of propeller driven airplanes to fly to the moon through airless space. | |
Note that Jim Fetzer planned his arguments so that the claim that witnesses and video cameras viewed holograms were presented at the very close of the debate, so there would be no time for me to take them apart. | |
![]() |
He did not make one argument for holograms. He just presented the Richard Hall's claim to have found a radar study that disagreed with another radar study that gave the location of the plane. And that is Jim Fetzer's argument that the planes were holograms. |
And then Dr. Fetzer gave no explanation of how the plane-size holes were made in the building or how material was ejected with great velocity with both events involving the introduction of great force in one direction with nothing (unless a large plane is accepted) to provide the equal and opposite force equivalent to the force a plane jet engines would provide to get a plane traveling at 580 miles per hour. | |
Holograms depend on being at a particular angle in order to be viewed. There are no holograms which can be viewed by people from all of 360 degrees. | |
Plane approached Pentagon at an impossibly low to the
ground altitude, knocking over light posts, according to the Guilty Party,
who we should not trust with any "facts" about the Pentagon plane crash. |
Plane approached at a steep angle,
which Pentagon photos would reveal.![]() Flight 77, taken over by
Boeing's Remote Control technology, approached the Pentagon at about 3
degrees, the same angle planes approach runways hundreds of times each day. |
Morgan Reynolds and Tom Mattingly are supportive of no planes
The No Planes Theory MIGHT be correct. But until we get a New Investigation of 9/11 we won't know for sure. NPT will never be accepted by most of the public. So we should go with a theory that no one can argue with to bet a New Investigation. For example, RCTO is indisputably possible and explains all the evidence without having to ignore witnesses, planes, radar, crash debris, etc.
Which theory will the public accept so we can quickly get a new investigation of 9/11 and find out which is correct? Please try to "shoot down" RCTO and convince me of NPT, Holograms & DEWs.
Facebook group: "All Theories Welcomed" ?
Note that there are many plane parts bouncing off WTC 2 in the southern
So the entire plane did not enter WTC 2.
2540 feet to face of WTC 2 tower
2.97 seconds = 855 feet/second = 583 miles per hour
Confirming the distance from the approaching plane to WTC 2
Witnesses to the plane crashing into the Pentagon
by David Chandler and Ken Jenkins