Dr. Crockett Grabbe

The primary writer on 3 scientific books
and one of the writers on 3 other books intended for academia.
This is in addition to 6 books written for the general public.

National Swindle of the World Trade Center (1st ed 2011, 2nd ed 2013)
Anatomy of Mass Murders (2013)
How the WTC was REALLY Demolished
(1st edition "Illustrated Guide" 2014, 2nd edition "Image-rich Analysis" 2015)
Winner of the 9/11 Physics Debate on March 14, 2016      Citations.pdf



Ph.D. in Applied Physics, 1978
California Institute of Technology (CalTech)
Pasadena, California

M.A., 1973 (Major:  Physics; Minor:  Mathematics)
University of Texas
Austin, Texas

B.S. in Physics, 1972 (Highest Honors, Special Honors in Physics)
University of Texas
Austin, Texas


40 years: 
Applying analytical/computational tools to solve science/technoloy/engineering problems
Analyzing plasma & electrodynamic processes in laboratory and space
Investigating plasma applications in space, industry, and fusion
Carrying out numerical analysis and developing scientific software 
 (Fortran and C languages; Unix and Windows operating systems)

Over 30 years:
Training on topics in technology, engineering, applied physics, and mathematics
Analyzing physical processes in the solar-terrestrial environment

Over 25 years:
Speaking & writing on topics of expertise and experience 
to the general public as well as scientific audiences

Over 15 years:
Developing websites and creating systems over the internet
(e.g. see www.sealane.org , which has several links to certain items below)

Over 10 years: Illustrated Analysis of How the WTC Was REALLY Demolished on 9/11
Researching physics and plasma applications (to medicine, WTC collapses, fuel
cells, industry)


2010-2011 Writing, speaking (New York, Austin & Dallas, TX), consulting 
(Austin, TX)

2009-2010 Research contract on plasmas in space with National Science Foundation

2002-2010 Research Consultant in applied physics research at University 
of Iowa

2002-2009 Consulted for American College Testing (critically reviewed 
physics tests)

2002-2009 Public speaking & training through SeaLane Consulting
o "The Emerging SuperGlobe" presented at University of Iowa (2002) & a state 
teachers conference at the University of Northern IA (2003).  Presented on 
50+ TV stations in the US, Canada, and New Zealand (2002-2005).
o "Safety in the Workplace", "Disabilities in the Workplace" 
presented in Peoria, IL (2004)
o "Developing Number Power" presented in Iowa City (2005).
o "Introduction to Fuel Cells" prepared for presentation in Philadelphia (2006).
o "Physics of Collapses at the World Trade Center" presented in New York, St 
Louis, University of Iowa, and Des Moines (2007-2009).

1979-2009 Conducted 100s of tutoring sessions in mathematics, physics, 
statistics and engineering

1988-2002 Research Scientist at University of Iowa

1997-2002 Public speaking and training through University of Iowa
o "Enabling for the 21st Century"
o "Earth's Dynamic Neighborhood" (broadcast on several TV channels)

1993 Computer analysis for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research Facility

1990-1992 Consulting on physics test preparation for American College Testing

1991 Consulting on space plasma research at Lockheed Research Labs (Palo Alto, CA)

1984 - 1987 Public speaking on "Space Weapons", other science & society topics

1981-1988 Associate Research Scientist at University of Iowa
(also taught advanced plasma physics, space physics, and co-taught seminar)

1979-1981 Research Scientist at Science Applications, Inc.
(worked on contract in plasma physics research with Naval Research Labs)

1978-1979 Visiting Assistant Professor at University of Tennessee
(taught mathematical physics, electricity & magnetism, & did physics research)

1977-1978 National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at Caltech


American Physical Society
International Union of Radio Science [elected to honorarily in 1978]
Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
National Speaker's Association
Writer's League of Texas


Crockett Grabbe, National Swindle of the World Trade Center
(SeaLane Press, Austin, TX, 2011), downloadable online at SeaLane.org .

Crockett Grabbe, "Discussion of 'Why the Observed Motion History of World 
Trade Center Towers is Smooth,' by Jia-Liang Le and Z.P. Bazant," accepted for 
publication by Journal of Engineering Mechanics, May, 2012.

Crockett Grabbe, "Comment on 'Weakly Collisional Landau and 
Three-Dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal Modes' [Phys. Plasmas 13, 055903 
(2006)]" Physics of Plasma, 17, April, 2010.

Crockett Grabbe, "Discussion of 'Progressive Collapse of the World Trade
Center:  A Simple Analysis' by K.A. Seffen," Journal of Engineering 
Mechanics, April, 2010.
[NOTE:  Seffen is an applied mathematician from Cambridge whose paper was on
BBC News.  I ripped his paper apart, and he never made any reply to my very 
critical comments.]

Crockett Grabbe, "Showing South Tower of WTC Collapsed from Forces Stronger
than Gravity," American Assoc. of Physics Teachers Chicago Meeting, Feb. 15, 
2009. http://www.sealane.org/writings/Chicago209pap.html 

Crockett Grabbe, "Physics of Collapse of the South Tower of the World Trade 
Center," American Physical Society April meeting, St. Louis, April 15, 2008.

Steve Jones, Jeffrey Farrer, Gregory Jenkins, Frank Legge, James Gourley, 
Kevin Ryan, Daniels Farnsworth, and Crockett Grabbe, "Extremely High 
Temperatures in the World Trade Center Destruction," Journal of 911 
Studies, 15, January, 2008.

Crockett Grabbe, "Response to NIST on Energy and Momentum."
Journal of 911 Studies Letter, January 29, 2008.

Crockett Grabbe, "Direct Evidence for Explosions:  Flying Projectiles and
Widespread Impact Damage," Journal of 911 Studies, 14, August, 2007.

Crockett Grabbe (editor), Plasma Physics Applied (Transworld 
Research Network, INDIA, 2006).
[Plasma physicists from Los Alamos Lab, Goddard Spaceflight Center, 
Standford University Radioscience Lab, University of Maryland, University of
Iowa, Rutherford-Appleton Labs in ENGLAND, and Yokahama University in JAPAN
were invited to write individual chapters.]

Crockett Grabbe and Douglas Menietti, "Broadband Electrostatic Wave
Observations in the Auroral Region on Polar and Comparison with Theory,"
Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A10226, 2006.

Crockett Grabbe,"Trapped-Electron Solitary Wave Structures in a Magnetized
plasmas," Physics of Plasma, 12, 72311, 2005.

Crockett Grabbe, "Power and the Emerging Dynamic SuperGlobe", invited essay 
in Durlabhji (editor) Power in Focus (Wyndham Hall Press, Lima, OH, 2004).

Crockett Grabbe, The Emerging Dynamic SuperGlobe, Video Program
developed in 2002, shown repetitively on over 50 public TV channels in Alaska, 
Hawaii, 25 continental states, Canada and New Zealand.

Crockett Grabbe and J.D. Menietti "Electrostatic Wave Variety
and the Origins of Broadband Electrostatic Noise,"  Planetary and 
Space Science,  50, 335-41, 2002. 

Crockett Grabbe, "Solitary Wave Structure in Magnetized Plasmas and the Source
Region of Broadband Electrostatic Noise," Geophysical Research Letters, 
29, 2002.

SeaLane Gray (pen name), Duck Soup for the Diehard Soul 
(Author House, Bloomington, IN, 2001).  A biography of dreams and trauma, 
with humor and inspiration.

Crockett Grabbe, "The Generation of Broadband Electrostatic Waves in Earth's
Magnetotail,"  Physical Review Letters, 84, 3614-17, 2000.

Crockett Grabbe, "Origins of Broadband Electrostatic Waves in Earth's
Magnetotail," invited paper (pp. 89-100) in Recent Research 
Developments in Plasmas, Vol. 1 (Transworld Research Network, INDIA, 2000).

Crockett Grabbe and Ezio Venturino, "Broadband Electrostatic Waves in the 
Plasma Sheet for Kappa Particle Distributions," University of Iowa Report, 
1998. [also Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 
43, 1852, 1998].

Crockett Grabbe, "Low Mach Number Predictions in an Extended Axially 
Symmetric MHD Theory of the Magnetosheath,"  Geophysical Research 
Letters, 24, 2495-98, 1997.

Crockett Grabbe and Ezio Venturino, "Asymptotics of the Modified Plasma 
Dispersion Function Generalized to Real Kappa," Physics of Plasmas, 
3, 35-41, 1996.

Crockett Grabbe, "MHD Theory of the Earth's Magnetosheath for an Axisymmmetric 
Model," Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 777-80, 1996.

Crockett Grabbe, "The Polytropic Index of the Solar Wind at the Earth's Bow 
Shock," Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 11,067-73, 1996.

Crockett Grabbe and Iver Cairns, "Analytic MHD Theory for Earth's Bow Shock at
Low Mach Numbers," Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 
19,941-49, 1995.

Georg Knorr, H. Mond, and Crockett Grabbe, "Relaxation States of an MHD
Plasma with External Magnetic Field," Journal of Plasma Physics, 
53, 373-85, 1995.

Crockett Grabbe, invited Critical Review of R. M. Russell, "Whitehead, 
Einstein and the Newtonian Legacy," [from Newton and New Direction in 
Science (Specola Vaticana, Italy, 1988)] Process Studies, 
23, 285, Fall/Winter, 1994.

Iver Cairns and Crockett Grabbe, "Towards an MHD Theory for the Standoff 
Distance of Earth's Bow Shock," Geophysical Research Letters, 
21, 2781-84, 1994.

Crockett Grabbe, "Cerenkov Radiation in Magnetospheric Plasmas," invited paper 
in Trends in Geophysical Research, 2, 233-45, 1993.

NOTE:  Between 1977 and 1993 I published about 50 papers, a Master's and a Ph.D.
Thesis, and 2 subsequent books.  This includes the following 3 books:  2 were 
written by me and and third contains the 2 invited papers that I presented at 
the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, ITALY, which were 
then put in book published by World Scientific (Singapore):

C.L. Grabbe, Space Weapons and the Strategic Defense Initiative
(Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, 1991).  [Provided a comprehensive 
critical review of the development of space weapons] 

C.L. Grabbe (editor & co-author) Plasma Waves and Instabilities
Resource Book (American Association of Physics Teachers, 1986).

Crockett Grabbe, "Langmuir Turbulence in Space Plasmas" and "Broadband 
Electrostatic Waves in the Magnetotail", invited lectures at International 
Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, ITALY in B Buti (ed.), 
Advances in Space Plasma Physics  (World Scientific, 
Singapore, 1985).


American College Testing
Appleton-Rutherford Lab, ENGLAND
Claremont College Center for Process Studies
International Center for Theoretical Physics, ITALY
Loral Space & Communication
Max-Plank Institute, GERMANY
Naval Research Labs
University of Iowa
University of Tennessee


Profiled in Who's Who in Science and Engineering (1996-2011)
Profiled in Writer's Directory (1997-1999, 2004)
Profiled in Contemporary Authors (1992)
Invited Lecturer in Plasma Physics at IAEA in Trieste, ITALY (1985)
National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (1977-1978)
Anthony Fellowship (1973-1974) [awarded at Caltech]
Lyndon B. Johnson Fellowship (1973) [awarded at University of Texas]
B.S. in Physics with Highest Honors and Special Honors in Physics (1972)
  (Graduated first in class in Physics, GPA = 3.95, University of Texas)
Phi Beta Kappa (1971)
American Chemical Society Outstanding Senior Award (1971)
Arts & Sciences Foundation Scholarship (1970-1971 & 1971-1972) [U. of Texas award]
Welch Foundation Scholarship (1969-1973) [awarded to use at any Texas university]
Texas State High-School Champion in Number-Sense (both 1967 & 1968)


Physics of the World Trade Center Collapses (New York; Iowa City, IA; 
	St Louis, MO; Des Moines, IA; New York; Austin, TX; Dallas, TX) 
Plasma Physics Applied (Iowa City, IA, Orlando, FL)
The Emerging SuperGlobe (Iowa City, IA; Waterloo, IA; 50-60 TV stations in US, 
        Canada & New Zealand)
Developing Number Power (Cedar Rapids, IA)        
Disabilities in the Workplace (Peoria, IL)
Safety in the Workplace (Peoria, IL)
Introduction to Space Physics (Iowa City, IA)
Communication Development for the 21st Century (Atlanta, GA)
Computer Viruses (Iowa City, IA)
Space Weapons (several IA sites; St Louis, MO; Chicago, IL; Treste, ITALY, 
        Göteborg, SWEDEN; Vienna, AUSTRA; Munich, GERMANY)
Fusion & New Energy Sources (Columbia, MO; Knoxville, TN)
Nuclear Power & Its Issues (Cedar Rapids, IA)
Stochasticity (Iowa City, IA)
Advanced Plasma Physics (Iowa City, IA)
Electricity and Magnetism (Knoxville, TN)
Mathematical Physics (Knoxville, TN)
Quantum Mechanics (Pasadena, CA)

Recent Speaking & Writing Record for
Crockett Lane Grabbe

Peer-Reviewed Publications on 9/11

July 27, 2015 Publication of new full press release for How the WTC Was REALLY Demolished on 9/11

April 2, 2015 Publication of How the WTC Was REALLY Demolished on 9/11 (2nd edition of Illustrated Analysis...), both as a paperback & as an Ebook

April 6, 2015 American Freedom Show on forthcoming How the WTC Was REALLY Demolished on 9/11 Radio interview about topics of book on No-Lies Radio (for broadcast nationwide)

November 23, 2014 Publication of Illustrated Guide to How the WTC Was Demolished on Amazon's Kindle

October 1, 2012 Publication Confronts Publication by Le & Bazant (pre-published form linked) Journal of Engineering Mechanics 138, 1298-1300 (October, 2012)

April, 2010 Publication Confronts Errors in Keith Seffen Analysis (pre-published form linked) Journal of Engineering Mechanics 130, 538 (2010) Critical article fully assails article claiming collapses by fire (Seffen does not respond)

January 30, 2008 NIST Dodges the Physics in the World Trade Center Studies of 9/11 Energy & momentum conservation show their story did not occur

January, 2008 Extremely High Temperatures during the World Trade Center Destruction 8 international scientists show fires clearly did not cause the collapses

August, 2007 Article published in Journal of 9/11 Studies Direct evidence for World Trade Center explosions

More Papers & Talks

October 4, 2013 American Freedom Show on Anatomy of a Mass Murder Radio interview about book on No-Lies Radio (for broadcast nationwide)

September 11, 2013 Publication of Ebook Anatomy of Mass Murders on Amazon's Kindle

September 1, 2013 Invited speaker on "Mass Murders: The Worst Crime of the 21st Century" at Mensa Conference (Austin, TX).

June 3, 2013 Publication of 2nd edition of Ebook National Swindle of the WTC on Amazon's Kindle

October 11, 2012 9/11 Free Fall Show on National Swindle of the WTC Radio interview about book on No-Lies Radio (for broadcast nationwide)

September 1, 2012 Publication of Ebook National Swindle of the WTC on Amazon's Kindle

November 24, 2011 Invited speaker on "National Swindle at the WTC" at Mensa Conference (Dallas, TX).

July 27, 2011 Inner Views about National Swindle of the WTC Radio interview about book on KOOP Radio (Austin. TX)

May 1, 2011 Online publication of book National Swindle of the WTC

October 23, 2010 Invited speaker on "Physics & Collapses at the WTC" at Austin Science & Engineering Convention (Austin, TX).

September 24, 2010 Radio interview by Thomas Kiely on INN Radio over phone in Austin, TX

September 14, 2010 Radio interview by Thomas Kiely on INN radio in New York City

September 11, 2010 Invited speaker at conference "How the World Changed After 9/11" in New York City

April, 2010 "Comment on 'Weakly Collisional Landau and Three-Dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal Modes' [Phys. Plasmas 13, 055903 (2006)]" Physics of Plasma, 17 (2010)

October 24, 2009 Invited speech at Des Moines public library on Physics Implications for 9/11 WTC Collapses

September 10, 2009 INN World Report in New York City TV Interview on World Trade Center Collapses for 8th-year Anniversary of 9/11

February 16, 2009 Paper presented at American Association of Physics Teachers Conference in Chicago "Showing South Tower of the WTC Collapsed from Forces Stronger than Gravity" Showing Horizontal Forces >> Force(gravity) in Collapse  (Paper presented at meeting of physics teachers was applauded with NO challenges)

September 7, 2008 INN World Report in New York City TV interview, segment for "INN Takes on the History Channel"

May 29, 2008 INN World Report in New York City Interview on World Trade Center Collapses

April 15, 2008 Invited speech on "Physics of 9/11 at the WTC" presented at Public Library at St. Louis, MO Testimonial Attached

April 15, 2008 Paper Presented at American Physical Society in St. Louis on the South Tower Collapse Physics of the WTC Smoking Gun: Destructive Forces >> Force(gravity)

(Paper presented to physicists was ENTHUSIASTICALLY applauded wth NO challenges)

February 15, 2008 Seminar presented on "Physics of 9/11 at the WTC" at University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

September 9, 2007 Invited speech "What Happened When the WTC Collapsed" presented at Conference in NYC Testimonial Attached

September 5, 2007 Joint article on "Science in the Bush" When politics displaces physics

April 23, 2007 TV interview on INN World Report in New York City Addressing Queries on the World Trade Center WTC7 and Towers Collapses

March, 2007 Book edited with an international group of scientific writers: Plasma Physics Applied
(Peer-reviewed book for scientists, not related to 9/11)

October, 2006 Research paper published with J.D. Menietti, "Broadband Electrostatic Waves Observations in the Auroral Region on Polar and Comparison with Theory," Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A10226 (2006)
(Peer-reviewed paper for scientists, not related to 9/11)

Scholarly Indexes