Ace is the trump card to win a new 9/11 investigation
By Rick Shaddock, ANETA Writing Team
with thanks to
Crockett Grabbe (PhD, Physics, CalTech)
Although we do not know exactly how explosives could have been planted in the World Trade Center prior to 9/11, without detection, we do know two things for sure. Other possible explanations were not considered in the 9/11 Commission or NIST Reports. Key people were not even mentioned in the final reports.
The possibility of controlled demolition was not seriously considered in the Nine Eleven Official Conspiracy Theory (NEOCT). There were workers with unfettered access to parts of the builds that were perfect for the planting of explosives, such as in the elevators shafts next to the vertical support columns, and above the ceiling panels next to the horizontal beams. There were also fireproofing renovation workers.
Dr. Niels Harrit has estimated that it would take "tons" of explosives to demolish the buildings. Demolition experts such as Tom Sullivan have said that it would be quite easy to plant them, if a group had access to the elevator shafts, next to the core columns.
Workers had access to unoccupied areas by day, and in occupied
areas by night, and on week ends. Workers from the A.C.E. Elevator Company in the WTC elevator shafts from 1994 until 9/11/2001 were not even mentioned in the final reports.
Neither was LVI Services, working on the asbestos removal project. Nor
were the fireproofing workers. (See
The words "Ace elevator" or "A.C.E." (herein ACE) are not found anywhere in the PDF files of the 9/11 Commission or NIST reports, although "elevator" appears multiple times. You can check this out for yourself. The names of the security company, "Securacom" (renamed "Stratesec" after 9/11), are not found either. If the security company cannot be trusted, than there are many ways the explosives could be brought in. The building owner is also key. The landlord, Larry Silverstein is only mentioned in the WTC 7 report, as a contributor.
With the assistance of Frank Lowy, Paul Eisenberg, and Ronald Lauder, Larry the N.Y. Port Authority turned over the management to Silverstein Properties. He hired the firm Kroll for security.
Kevin Ryan has well researched who had access to the WTC towers in his article.
According to Dennis Cimino, interviewed on Dr. James Fetzer's show, there were other fake sounding names on the list of renovation contractors working on the World Trade Center.
This report will focus on ACE.
ACE got the WTC contract, the biggest elevator project in history, There was an article "Drive to the Top" in the trade magazine Elevator World about the ACE project.
Elevator modernization would be the perfect cover for the planting of explosives. Tom Sullivan, who worked for Controlled Demolition Inc., said that the elevator shafts, next to the load bearing columns, would be the perfect place.
NEOCT supporters may say "people would have seen A.C.E. Elevator planting explosives in the shafts". But building occupants, except for A.C.E. workers and StrateSec security, could not look in the elevator shafts. As an experiment you can do, just try to get permission to look in the shafts. I could not even look in one that I partly own.
A.C.E. Elevator Company went bankrupt in 2006. How could ACE go bankrupt, if they were skilled enough to get the largest contract in history? Presumably they got paid, because Larry Silverstein was fully insured, received over $4 billion, and there are no records of ACE suing Larry. The owner was Ronald A. Baamonde, a millionaire who was well paid, and had a mansion after 2001 with a swimming pool. This supports the hypothesis that Ace Elevator was a "front company" created for the purpose of planting explosives, with just enough background to sound credible.
Some NEOCT supporters may say: "ACE is still in business. So there is nothing suspicious about them". But that is not true.
The Ace Elevator LLC started 2011 is not the same company, as verified with a phone interview with Daniel Boyle. He serves Philadelphia and the address on his web site is a residential house in NJ. I wanted to know why would anyone take on the name that would expose them to bill collector phone calls? Dan innocently took the name to be near the top of alphabetical listings, not to try to get ACE's customers. Dan said he is annoyed by a lot of conspiracy calls about the former company, "completely different people." So please, let's not bother him any more. He is just a guy minding his own business.
Dan says that he heard "there was a labor dispute that day, or in that time frame, and the members of that company, about 50 of them, were pulled out to a union meeting to discuss some business. You know, I think that is the only reason none of the other elevator guys got hurt." He suggested following up with the International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 1 Union in New York for more information about that meeting. Here is his phone interview .
Ace Elevator Company in Florida, also a different company, and too far away. Here is their phone interview with their answering service..
Why was Ace chosen, a small company with no significant record of clients, instead of the huge Otis Elevator, with over 100 years of experience? Founder Elisha Otis invented the elevator brake in 1852. Otis had the WTC contract until 1994.
After the 1993 bombing of WTC 1, Otis Elevator employees bravely helped the first responders. As a "reward" they lost the contract to Ace. After the 9/11 attack, Ace employees left, and did not help the first responders.
OTIS Elevator expert explains the World Trade Center's
elevator motors
Why replace such experienced experts with a small, unknown company like ACE?
A look inside elevator shafts.
I was only able to find two interviews with Ace Elevator employees. One was a scathing article in
USA Today on site at 9/11.
Mechanics left towers before buildings collapse
The 83-person elevator crew worked for ACE Elevator, a small Palisades Park, N.J., company that won the maintenance contract from Otis in 1994.
At the time the elevator mechanics left, dozens of people were trapped in stuck elevators.
"After the North Tower is hit, most of the WTC’s 83 elevator mechanics gather in the lobby of the South Tower, but when the second plane hits, they evacuate. In contrast, a passing elevator mechanic from another company runs into the WTC and dies trying to free trapped passengers. "
ACE workers were not being asked to risk their lives, only to answer questions about the elevators from the first responding firemen. The 9/11 Commission should have questioned ACE about their unusual and dishonorable behavior.
The other interview was with Robert Jones, an elevator mechanic, who used to work for Otis. He was interviewed by a regional paper, the Time Herald-Record a NY regional news group, not a nationwide paper. He reported being ordered away from the WTC, and hearing explosives, which is probably why he was not included in the 9/11 Report.
When I got downstairs, I received calls on my radio from my bosses. They wanted everyone to meet in the lobby of B Tower...We were ordered to go from Church Street up to Broadway.
"an explosion or a bomb...went off"
ACE Elevator employees - never investigated
Robert Jones is one of the few Ace Elevator employees we know of, even though there were 80 Ace Employees in the World Trade Center complex on September 11, 2001. With all the relevant details they have to share, it is beyond bizarre that none of them were called before Bush's Commission to testify, and not even mentioned in any of the reports.
We know of James O'Neill, the Supervisor of Maintenance, who was interviewed by USA Today as saying: "(We) went out to the stret to assess the damage and come back in as needed", although they did not come in, event though they were very much needed. James is not be confused with the hero John O'Neill, the retired FBI Special Agent, who was hired by Silverstein to be head of security for the WTC, and who died while helping victims escape.
Peter Niederau was Supervisor of the Modernization Project. He told USA Today "Parts of the lobby and glass were coming down around us, so we all got out of the lobby as fast as we could." His quote also appears on the web "We were standing there trying to count heads when the second plane hit (the south tower)". Peter said "We had a procedure... We had a procedure to follow, and they (the mechanics) followed it," Niederau says.. But the Port Authority says the emergency plan called for mechanics to stay and help with rescues. So Peter was lying. Peter needs to be investigated, because it is unlikely that explosives could be planted without his knowledge.
"O'Neill radioed John Menville, an ACE Elevator supervisor trained in
rescues, and both tried to get back in the building. The supervisors had
special ID badges with red stripes that allowed them behind police lines.
The badges had been issued after the 1993 bombing. As Menville approached,
the south tower collapsed." The south tower was standing for almost
an hour. So what took them so long? They stood outside for an
hour, trained in rescues, and just talked to the press?
You can check some things for yourself using the web., the "Wayback Machine", shows how web sites looked years ago. The first site visible for AceElevator is from 2001, a simple page with a missing graphic, using Microsoft FrontPage. By contrast,, reserved in 2000, is a professional multi- page site by 2003, the same date as ACE’s, using JavaScript and CSS techniques. Which company would you choose? For more information, see
You can find an A.C.E. Elevator company record on the "Wayback Machine"
From June 22, 2011 onwards, gives a error for,
saying "403 Forbidden".*/
The domain name was reserved in 2007 by a cyber-squatter.
How did a company with a small office in NY, with a poor web site, supposedly in business 22 years as of 2003 (which means it was founded 1980 - 1981) get the biggest contract in elevator history?
ACE Elevator Co., Inc. is proud to be celebrating it's 22nd anniversary as the New York, Tri-State area's largest, independently-owned elevator contractor.
As Americans Committed to Excellence, we are still driven by our unrelenting desire and passion to proudly provide full service to the vertical transportation industry.
It is odd that Ace claims to be in business "22 years" and one of NY's "largest" contractors. No proof of being in existence that long is offered. ACE became the contractor for the World Trade Center in 1994. If you can find any jobs it had before 1994, please email to
The addresses for ACE are 139 East Central Boulevard. With Google Street View, you can see that Otis has professional buildings, including trucks and places to unload.
Ace has a small building in NJ next to residential houses, and an office in NYC in which would be difficult for the storage and unloading of equipment.
For more information see
Susan Lindauer reports that trucks were entering the WTC garages in the very early hours, in the weeks prior to 9/11.
The Pentagon was also under construction just prior to 9/11. Ace may be the trump card to play, in the deadly game to find out who could have placed explosives in the WTC towers before 9/11. ACE Elevator workers should be investigated for staff who knew more about explosives than elevators.
LVI Services, the largest asbestos abatement company, based in New York City, was working for years in the World Trade Center. Above the ceiling panels, next to support beams, would be the perfect place to plant explosives under the cover of asbestos removal. LVI removed asbestos from the Pentagon as well, and serves the US Government on controlled demolition projects. The president of LVI has held numerous Top Secret clearance positions with the Department of Defense. He was not questioned before the 9/11 Commission nor was his company mentioned in the 9/11 Reports.
Ample opportunity to set explosives.
The WTC security cameras, locks and electricity were turned off on the
weekend before 9/11.
Conclusion: ACE and LVI workers could work in the shafts all day and night for months (at the core columns), plus above the ceiling panels by night (at the horizontal support beams), planting explosives without detection. There should be a new investigation of 9/11, including these workers.
Expecting the public to do inductive reasoning has not worked, to show the evidence of explosives, and expecting people to infer the cause. Deductive reasoning is easier. Show who could have planted the explosives, and they will deduce what Ace did. Ace is our Trump card.
©, Rick Shaddock, 18 June 2014. All rights waived. Links to this page are welcome. Get the truth out!
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
At the time the elevator mechanics left, dozens of people were trapped in stuck elevators. Other people lost their lives trying to rescue those trapped in elevators, including a mechanic from another company who rushed to the Trade Center from down the street.
The departure of elevator mechanics from a disaster site is unusual. The industry takes pride in rescues. In the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, elevator mechanics worked closely with the firefighters making rescues.
On Sept. 11, the mechanics left on their own, without instructions from police or fire officials. ACE Elevator supervisors say this was consistent with the emergency plan. All the mechanics survived. "We had a procedure. We had a procedure to follow, and they (the mechanics) followed it," Niederau says.
But the Port Authority says the emergency plan called for mechanics to stay and help with rescues. "The manuals consider many emergency scenarios and describe the role of the mechanics in detail in responding to them," Port Authority spokesman Allen Morrison says. "There was no situation in which the mechanics were advised or instructed to leave on their own. They were, depending on the situation, to be dispatched to various emergency posts or to respond to various pas
About 9:45 a.m., from the south tower lobby, Port Authority elevator manager Joseph Amatuccio radioed the ACE Elevator supervisors on their private radio channel. O'Neill recalls him asking: "Can you mobilize to come inside and see what's going on? Because I'm here with the fire department, and they're asking me questions I don't know."
O'Neill radioed John Menville, an ACE Elevator supervisor trained in rescues, and both tried to get back in the building. The supervisors had special ID badges with red stripes that allowed them behind police lines. The badges had been issued after the 1993 bombing.
Article about LVI Services (under construction)
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RESEARCH NOTES for article: How Could Explosives Be Planted?
RESEARCH NOTES: (unformatted. Please see final article: How Could Explosives Be Planted?)
Although we don't know exactly how explosives could have been planted in the World Trade Center prior to 9/11, without detection, we do know two things for sure. Other possible explanations were not considered in the 9/11 Commission Report. Key personnel were not even mentioned in the final report.
One area that seems to be wide open to investigation is: whatever happened to ACE Elevator Company? This was the company that won the largest elevator repair contract in history, to "modernize" the World Trade Centers, prior to 9/11. This would mean they would be quite a successful company. How could they go under and disappear?
Elevator World
Demolition Access - Kevin
Ace Elevator, nor any variations such as "A.C.E." are found in any of the Nine
Eleven Official Conspiracy Theory (NEOCT) reports. You can open the
following PDF files, and do a search for "ace elevator" and you will find
none. You will find "elevator" many times.
According to USA Today, the Ace workers left prior to the collapse.
Mechanics left towers before buildings collapse
I have only seen 2 interviews
with the employees, or articles about what happened to them or their
1. USA Today - interviewing on 9/11 -
2. Robert Jones - Times Herald News
They had the best access to the building, and are the likely
suspects for whoever put nano-thermite and other explosives in the building.
See the study about nano-thermite at show that last page on June 22, 2013 as simply an error message: "403 Forbidden".
Evidently the site was given up for several years, until
I sent him an offer from another email address, and will try to get to know him, just in case he knows anything. I'd like to know why he reserved such a name for years, and does nothing with it. There is a Lotto ticket ad on it, that's all.
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Ace Elevator LLC serves
Philadelphia and frunction from a house in NJ.
Answering lady phone conversation
Phone interview with Dan of the new Ace
Elevator Company (MP3)
Phone interview with Dan of the new Ace Elevator Company (MP3)
Link in the Times Herald Record.
(backup article)
The point is we should know
a lot about Ace Elevator Company. Ace should have been mentioned in the 9/11
Commission Report. Robert Jones should have testified and been cited in the
Report. Note: There is only a reference to a different Robert Jones (a
common name) associated with the FAA Boston Flight Center.
This article still does not explain why the Ace Elevator workers left the
scene. If Robert was ordered to leave the site by a supervisor, he was not
involved or guilty of complicity in mass murder.
When I got downstairs, I received calls on my radio from my bosses. They wanted everyone to meet in the lobby of B Tower...We were ordered to go from Church Street up to Broadway.
Robert was probably one of the few at Ace who really knew about elevators.
The others may have been experts in explosives. Why wasn't Robert from Ace
invited to testify at the 9/11 Commission? We can see why he was not invited
by Paul Zelikow or the Commission, from a quote from Times Herald Record
news article:
I started to back away from the side of B Tower. The mechanic I was with was there in ’93, and he thought immediately that that was an explosion or a bomb or something went off.
None of them was even mentioned, much less called before Bush's Commission for questioning. We know Robert Jones (see above) and James O'Neill, ACE Elevator's supervisor of maintenance, from the USA Today article. Otherwise it is hard to find out who was on the staff. There could have been covert operatives on the Ace Elevator staff, since the shafts were the perfect place to hide planted explosives.
James O'Neill has pretty much disappeared. If explosives were being
planted, the Supervisor of Maintenance may have known something about it.
He needs to be located and interviewed. He appears with the quote from
USA Today, and in a list of members of the International Union of Elevator
Constructors, Local One, for New York and New Jersey. He made some
kind of claim against the Schindler company.
There is some discussion on
ACE Elevator employees - never investigated
Robert Jones is one of the few Ace Elevator employees we know of, even though there were 80 Ace Employees in the World Trade Center complex on September 11, 2001. This is highly suspicious.
We know of James O'Neill, the Supervisor of Maintenance, who was interviewed by USA Today as saying: "(We) went out to the stret to assess the damage and come back in as needed", although they did not come in, event though they were very much needed. James is not be confused with the hero John O'Neill, the retired FBI Special Agent, who was hired by Silverstein to be head of security for the WTC, and who died while helping victims escape.
Peter Niederau was Supervisor of the Modernization Project. He told USA Today "Parts of the lobby and glass were coming down around us, so we all got out of the lobby as fast as we could." His quote also appears on the web "We were standing there trying to count heads when the second plane hit (the south tower)". Peter said "We had a procedure... We had a procedure to follow, and they (the mechanics) followed it," Niederau says.. But the Port Authority says the emergency plan called for mechanics to stay and help with rescues. So Peter was lying. Peter needs to be investigated, because it is unlikely that explosives could be planted without his knowledge.
"O'Neill radioed John Menville, an ACE Elevator supervisor trained
in rescues, and both tried to get back in the building. The supervisors
had special ID badges with red stripes that allowed them behind police lines.
The badges had been issued after the 1993 bombing. As Menville
approached, the south tower collapsed." The south tower was
standing for almost an hour. So what took them so long? They
stood outside for an hour, trained in rescues, and just talked to the press?
During the 9/11 catastrophe, around 200 people die in the WTC’s elevators without getting help from elevator mechanics, according to an in-depth study later performed by USA Today. Some of the victims are burned by the initial explosion, some die as the elevator cars plummet when their cables are severed, and some are stuck and perish in the collapse. USA Today will say it “could not locate any professional rescues of people stuck in elevators. The Fire Department of New York and the Port Authority also could not cite successful rescues.”
After the North Tower is hit, most of the WTC’s 83 elevator mechanics gather in the lobby of the South Tower, but when the second plane hits, they evacuate. In contrast, a passing elevator mechanic from another company runs into the WTC and dies trying to free trapped passengers. USA Today will comment: “When the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993, Otis Elevator’s mechanics led the rescue of 500 people trapped in elevators. Some mechanics were dropped onto the roofs of the Twin Towers by helicopter. Others, carrying 50-pound oxygen tanks on their backs, climbed through smoke to machine rooms high in the towers.
On Sept. 11, the elevator mechanics—many of the same men involved in the rescues in 1993—left the buildings after the second jet struck, nearly an hour before the first building collapsed.” Although ACE Elevator, the local company which won the WTC contract from Otis in 1994, will say it was acting in accordance with procedure, USA Today will note: “The departure of elevator mechanics from a disaster site is unusual.
The industry takes pride in rescues. In the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, elevator mechanics worked closely with the firefighters making rescues.” Robert Caporale, editor of Elevator World will say, “Nobody knows the insides of a high-rise like an elevator mechanic. They act as guides for firefighters, in addition to working on elevators.” The Port Authority will also say that their departure was in conflict with the emergency plan. “There was no situation in which the mechanics were advised or instructed to leave on their own.” [USA Today, 12/19/2001; USA Today, 9/4/2002]
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
$1,000 from 1 A C E Elevator Company employee (100.0%) to Walter Beaman Jones
Birthdate: b. 02/10/1943
Birthplace: Farmville, NC
District: represents NC-03
Political Party: Republican
Religion: Roman Catholic
Education: BA, History, Atlantic Christian College, 1966 Attended,
North Carolina State University, 1962-1965 Attended, Hargrave Military
Bankrupt June 23, 2006
ACE’s business was, and, to the extent that it still has a business, is, the
construction, modernization, maintenance and repair of elevators in the New York
area.7 ACE built the elevator systems in the World Trade Center and until
September 11,
2001 had been their sole servicer, from which it derived 90 percent of its
Unable to make up enough of that income from other sources, ACE filed under
11 on December 21, 2004.
Company in Florida
Court Documents
Ace Elevator had basically 1 customer, the WTC.
How could it get the most lucrative contract in elevator history
without a track record of many customers?
Why did Ace Elevator workers disappear on 9/11?
Why were they never questioned or mentioned by the 9/11 Commission?
More information about A.C.E. Elevator
Got the contract from Otis in 1994
9/11 Elevator Access
911experiments_com/AceElevator/Drive to the top.pdf
911experiments_com/AceElevator/Ace Elevator.txt
911experiments_com/AceElevator/Ace Elevator Blog.doc
h2. *4 ST) FAQ: How get explosives in?/Ace – due 4.20 – authors Cook/Shaddock*
*4.9 UPDATE:* RICK, in taking over from MIKE, promised to complete this FAQ by SUNDAY, APRIL 20.
*MAR. 5 AI:* RG and MIKE discussed an angle: no speculation; name the things we do know: (1) they had to have access to the elevator shafts, which gives immediate access to core columns; (2) that Elevator World’s March 2001 issue highlighted ACE’s work; (3) that USA Today did a spread on how Ace staff fled instead of helping firefighters. Yes, link to Kevin Ryan’s article on this subject.
1) ACE
article was uploaded by RICK in NEWSLETTER—ONGOING section of
2) Include YouTube video you mentioned at 2.26 writing
meeting (find notes)
3) The lead sentence: QUESTION: How did they
get explosives into the towers? ANSWER: We don’t know. Then
detail things that should be looked at
4) RG’s advice: the
shorter, the better; not exclusively on Ace; posit other interesting
ideas, like about the security company
5) Ace was not interviewed
by the 9/11 Commission
will be ready to run in end-of-APRIL newsletter
Advanced Member
Group: Members
Posts: 1319
Joined: 1-January 06
Positive Feedback: 50%
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QUOTE (newton @ Apr 13 2007, 10:55 AM) |
and there were
SEVERAL vacant floors at the twin towers. they were not worried about collateral damage, in fact, they wanted shock'n'awe. whole floors were DONATED to artists. they were white asbestos elephants. the 100 'elevator mechanics' planted the bombs, ok, arthur? that's why they didn't stick around and help out, after the planes hit. |
newton, here is an update on Ace Elevator ( a little background first):
Who is Ace Elevator?
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey give the maintenance contract held by
Otis Elevator (the elevator manufacture ) to a small company, ACE Elevator. Then
in 1999, ACE Elevator undertook what was perhaps, one of the largest, most
sophisticated elevator modernization programs in the industry's history reported
in March of 2001.
They made large structural changes around the machine rooms, floors and walls
throughout the buildings. This of course was not in the NIST report.
Were is Ace Elevator today? Since almost all the revenue was from the WTC, they
filed for bankruptcy:
ACE’s business
was, and, to the extent that it still has a business, is, the construction, modernization, maintenance and repair of elevators in the New York City area. ACE built the elevator systems in the World Trade Center and until September 11, 2001 had been their sole servicer, from which it derived 90 percent of its revenue. Unable to make up enough of that income from other sources, ACE filed under chapter 11 on December 21, 2004 |
So why would you give one of the largest, most sophisticated elevator
modernization programs in the industry's history to A SMALL maintenance
contractor with basically one customer?
Grumpy, please explain:
Grumpy Posted:
Apr 10 2007, 06:54 PM Negative DA!!! |
Web sites
Google Street View
Original link:
The architectural drawings of the WTC North Tower have been leaked from an
individual associated with the Silverstein-Weidlinger Report. They reveal that
the large box columns of the core maintain their 30"x16" and 52"x22" dimensions
at least up through the 66th floor. They also indicate that most of the core
columns would be easily accessed from the elevator shafts in order to plant
explosives. We know that the elevators were being modernized by Ace Elevator
during the 9 months prior to 9/11.
A March 2001 article in Elevator World describes contemporary work on the
elevator system of the Twin Towers by Ace Elevator as "one of the largest, most
sophisticated elevator modernization programs in the industry's history."
Elevator World, March 2001
Mechanics left towers before buildings collapsed
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
At the time the elevator mechanics left, dozens of people were trapped in stuck
elevators. Other people lost their lives trying to rescue those trapped in
elevators, including a mechanic from another company who rushed to the Trade
Center from down the street.
The departure of elevator mechanics from a disaster site is unusual. The
industry takes pride in rescues. In the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, elevator
mechanics worked closely with the firefighters making rescues.
On Sept. 11, the mechanics left on their own, without instructions from police
or fire officials. ACE Elevator supervisors say this was consistent with the
emergency plan. All the mechanics survived. "We had a procedure. We had a
procedure to follow, and they (the mechanics) followed it," Niederau says.
But the Port Authority says the emergency plan called for mechanics to stay and
help with rescues. "The manuals consider many emergency scenarios and describe
the role of the mechanics in detail in responding to them," Port Authority
spokesman Allen Morrison says. "There was no situation in which the mechanics
were advised or instructed to leave on their own. They were, depending on the
situation, to be dispatched to various emergency posts or to respond to various
About 9:45 a.m., from the south tower lobby, Port Authority elevator manager
Joseph Amatuccio radioed the ACE Elevator supervisors on their private radio
channel. O'Neill recalls him asking: "Can you mobilize to come inside and see
what's going on? Because I'm here with the fire department, and they're asking
me questions I don't know."
O'Neill radioed John Menville, an ACE Elevator supervisor trained in rescues,
and both tried to get back in the building. The supervisors had special ID
badges with red stripes that allowed them behind police lines.
Do you think the
designers planned for a 747 to hit the towers?
It only takes a simple Google of "WTC design jet" to find many links about the
design for jet impact. ... lanes.html
WTC Towers Designed to Withstand Impact of Loaded Jet.
Frank DeMartini - WTC Building Construction Manager
Charlie Thornton and Leslie Robertson (who was later bought off with lucrative
government and Arab building contracts) discuss WTC aircraft collisions
Still the towers did not fall for about an hour. Then they suddenly fell, as if
someone pressed a detonator.
With faith in the building design, and no reason to think it would collapse,
Frank DeMartini stayed in the towers to help other people get out, and died in
the controlled demolition. Some workers from "Ace Elevator" Company had 7
years, from 1994 to 9/11 to plant explosives in the shafts, the perfect place to
hide them, next to the strongest support columns.
Here is the proof of access:
The Port Authority would not suspect anything. The rigging would have taken
place in the elevator shafts where only the "elevator repair people" would see
it. The explosives were probably brought in the weekend before 9/11 during the
power down and after the bomb sniffing dogs had been removed. The explosives
would be in boxes labeled as something relevant to the job or not labeled at
Scott Forbes discusses the WTC power down
Gary Corbett confirms power down
Bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly removed.
* * * * *
"BTW, the Ace employees who worked on the WTC elevators posed for pictures in
the NY Post with their Port Authority on-site supervisors, names included."
>Please post the URL to that article.
"Please post some evidence that people at Ace Elevator conspired to commit mass
Your refusing to post the URL confirms my suspicion that the article does not
* * * * *
The proof of explosions is in the videos.
A denier will talk about Chandler. A serious person will discuss the facts
To Do
Dan suggested checking public records for the elevator union meeting on 9/11 which took elevator experts away from WTC. This would mean more casualties.
Check public records for the registration info on the 2 Ace Elevator companies
Hmm. Same "403
Forbidden" nginx/0.7.67 for as with Ace Elevator
What does A.C.E. stand for?
Info from B.A.
ACE sounds like a fake company like ACME
the explosives company in the Road Runner cartoons
Did ACE, like ACME, install explosives?
Remote Control Take Over (RCTO) hypothesis