Dr. James Fetzer and Rick Shaddock Debate
No Planes vs Remote Controlled Planes

March 14, 2023  - 10th Annual 9/11 Scientists Debate - 911Debate.org 

Government Defender invited:
Dr. Michael Shermer
Ph.D. History of Science
Claremont University
B.S. Pepperdine University
Skeptic Magazine
Google Scholar Citations 6199
Hirsch index 29

Official Story Challenger:
Dr. James Fetzer
Ph.D. Philosophy of Science
University of Indiana
B.A. Princeton University
Google Scholar Citations 4202
Hirsch index 34

For the Official Conspiracy Theory

Currently accepting nominations


 If there is no debater
we will cover the
BBC's arguments

9/11 Physics and Civil
Engineering Debate
March 14, 2022

Resolved: the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11
violates Newton's Laws of Motion, especially the
complete collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

Dr. Kevin Barrett's
Truth Jihad Radio Show

Honorarium totaling about $119
.000911 Bitcoin

911 Hex coins
911 SecureX tokens

Sponsored by Rick Shaddock
Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness

For a new 9/11 New Investigation

Richard Gage, AIA

American Institute of Architects


Founder of (and now independent of )
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

8th Annual
9/11 Physics Debate

Dr. François Roby - ERD
PhD, Polymer Physics Strasbourg, 1992
Associate Professor in Physics
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour since 1994


and Heinz Pommer
Degree in Physics (Diplom-Physiker)
impact of high energetic atoms and propagation of micro-shockwaves. Job with complex machinery

Prager University


9/11 Debates
March 14, 2021

Resolved: the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11
violates Newton's Laws of Motion, especially the
complete collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

Dr. Kevin Barrett's
Truth Jihad Radio Show

Honorarium: .000911 Bitcoin
plus Ethereum based
911 Hex coins

Sponsored by Rick Shaddock
Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness

1st Annual
9/11 Engineers Debate

Joseph Olson, P.E.
Professional Engineer and Professor
University of Texas
Hirsch Index =10
Retired Texan engineer and impassioned science writer, with over 100 major civil engineering and climate-related articles to his name.


Dr. Denis Rancourt

Ph.D. and Professor in Physics
University of Ottawa
Hirsch Index = 39

7th Annual 9/11 Physics Debate 2020

Resolved: the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11
violates Newton's Laws of Motion, especially the
complete collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

March 14, 2020 (Einstein's birthday)

Dr. Kevin Barrett's
Truth Jihad Radio Show


Dr. Josh Mitteldorf
Ph.D. in AstroPhysics
University of Pennsylvania
(Ivy League)
Hirsch Index = 17


6th Annual 9/11 Physics Debate for 2019

For the 6th year, no Professor or PhD in Physics was willing to defend the Official Story
Click for details.  So the debate was won by default by   
Dr. Crockett Grabbe, PhD, Physics, California Institute of Techology (CalTech)

5th Annual 9/11 Physics Debate for 2018

For the 5th year, no Professor or PhD in Physics was willing to defend the Official Story
Click for details.  So the debate was won by default by   
Professor David Chandler, Master of Science, California Polytechnic University
Coordinator for ScientistsFor911Truth.org

Nominations now being accepted for the 6th Annual Physics Debate

16th Anniversary of 9/11

Monday, September 11, 2017 at 1:00 PM Eastern: Bob McIlvaine, Peter Ketcham, and Richard Gage will announce the “Bobby McIlvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act” at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Later that day and the following day, we will hand-deliver the Bobby McIlvaine package to all 535 members of Congress. Visit the Press Club’s website for more info.

Monday, September 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM Eastern: Richard Gage and Peter Michael Ketcham will be participating in the “9/11 Truth Seekers Panel” at the Holiday Inn Rossyln Key Bridge near Washington, D.C.


Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump - 9/11 Truther in Chief

The purpose of the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness is to:

ANETA is an all volunteer based non-profit organization
and an independent AE911Truth Action Group

Write Your House and Senate Representatives

Petitions: to Congress

President Trump



World Independent News Group broadcasts by Victor Thorn (1962-2016)

28 Pages


Members of the 28 Pages Task Force and others will hold a banner and signs across the street from the Longworth House Office Building on Wednesday, April 27 at 5 PM. Banner will say: “Open the 28 Pages” with smaller letters under it: “HR14.org”. Posters will say: “Royal Threats Show Saudi Guilt”, “Call Saudis’ Bluff!”, “Saudis Threaten to Shoot Their Foot”, “Saudi/US Money Tied, thus Empty Threat”, “Tail Wags Dog?”, “Diplomatic Immunity for Terrorists is not National Security”, “9/11 Families say ‘Open 28 Pages’” and “Support HR-14 and S-1471.” We will be at the corner of Independence and New Jersey Aves, SE. Endorsed by Code Pink and Popular Resistance. Info: Richard Ochs 443-846-6638 textable.

Senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, autographed a copy of Senate Bill 1471 to release the 28 Pages that GW Bush covered up about Saudi funding of 9/11

Polls show that 9/11 Skeptics are the majority now
CNN 70%      MSNBC 67%      ShowBiz 82%      YouGov 60%

Main Stream News (finally) Questions 9/11

World Trade Center
Building 7
Experiment and Evaluation
An independent and open scientific investigation of the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on 9/11.  Class photos

Professor Leroy Hulsey, Ph.D. in Structural Engineering
PE - Professional Engineer
SE - Structural Engineer
Dept. of Civil Engineering
University of Alaska
Outstanding Teaching Awards: UAF, UMR, NCSU

New video: Incontrovertible - by Tony Rooke

Congressmen Walter Jones (R-NC), Steven Lynch (D-MA), and Thomas Massie (R-KY) petition for the release of the 28 page chapter that Bush classified, about who financed 9/11 - which lead to 14 years of lies, loss of Constitutional liberties, and wars. As it turns out, the 9/11 operation was financed with the assistance of our allies with close ties to the Bush administration.



The Russians are also exposing the truth.

ANETA at the Skeptic Society Conference May 30 at CalTech

ANETA member Rick Shaddock asks Donald Trump two questions about 9/11.
1) Will Donald support release of 28 pages Bush classified about who funded 9/11?
2) Does he support a new investigation of the WTC collapses, as do most Americans?
Video of the Trump Rally in Oskaloosa, Iowa
Media coverage:  Washington Post,   Mother Jones Magazine Examiner, Response


9/11 Items Autographed by Donald Trump for Fund Raising
To help defray our costs to go to see him on the campaign trail.
AE911Truth and Silverstein brochure $500 each
Items autographed by Donald often sell for over $200 on eBay.

Steel and concrete from the WTC towers fell at 32 feet in the first second.
Tons of steel beams were ejected laterally at over 160 feet per second.
for over 600 feet, with enough force to stick into the American Express Building.
How can something falling down cause things to fly sideways at a faster rate?
Unless explosives were involved.

Collected Articles on Nine Eleven
Over 500 pages of 22 studies published in
Peer Reviewed Independent Scientific Journals
questioning the Bush Story of 9/11.
$100 for us to make and ship, or make your own

World Peace and Invincible America through awareness of the events of September 11, 2001


We will never forget.

Justice for the victims of 9/11

We won't be fooled again
by The Who at their concert in NYC soon after 9/11

David Lynch: "At the World Trade Center, three buildings came
down like demolition, and two of them were hit by a plane.
But for the third one (WTC 7) they said "you want us to pull it?"
and they pulled it and it looked just like the other two. Those things bother me."

Apply Dr. Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit

सत्यं एव जायते
Satyam Eva Jayate
Truth Alone Triumphs


Daniel Ellsberg, PhD - USMC, former Special Assistant to Secretary of Defense (Nixon)
Catherine A. Fitts - Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush)
Paul Craig Roberts, PhD - Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury (Reagan)
Sibel Edmonds - FBI, CounterTerrorism Language Specialist
Max Cleland - Senator, Former member of Bush's 9/11 Commission
Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD - USAF, US Department of Defense, NSA
Ray McGovern - CIA, presented President's Daily Brief to Reagan & Bush Sr.
Cynthia McKinney - Congresswoman 6 terms, Georgia
Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD - USAF, CalTech, Director -Advanced Space Programs (Reagan)